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JamYESChimness_95:Behind you.

I quickly turned around to see if he's really there,but he wasn't.

I felt disappointed and looked it front of me again.

'Looking for me?',Jimin said as soon as his face met mine.

Few centimeters away,one move could get everything wrong.


'Kyeopta,Jungkookie.',Jimin said as he plopped down to the empty seat beside me.


'Was that your nickname.......for me?',I nervously said to him.

'Well,yeah.',he said staring straight to my eyes.

'So who are you with?Is it a girl or.....a boy?',he asks as he looked down.

'Oh,I'm with my childhood bf,Yugyeom.',I said while smiling.

'B-Bf?',he asked while stuttering.

'I meant,Best Friend,bf.Ha-ha.',I laughed awkwardly.


He's talking to me

But why am I not like,you know shrieking like some abnormal ARMYs?

Like duh,he's my bias.

And I'm like here talking comfortable to him.

Should I

ask him for his autograph?

* * * * *

You,my friend,should check out video.Its not mine,credits to the owner of those.


And this person is the same,actually

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And this person is the same,actually.

And this person is the same,actually

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Bye biches

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