∞ 17

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'Wah!Such a cutie!!'

'Who is this motha fuckin god of cuteness?TELL ME!'

'Omo!Another member?He's handsome.'

'Jeon Jungkook?Another boy to add on mah list.'

Jeon Wonwoo was mimicking a girl's voice while reading few comments.

Which really irritates me.


'Hyung would you please stop?Even your boyfriend doesn't like what you're doing right now.'

He stopped and took a deep breath.

'So how does it feel?',he said.

'How I feel on what?'

'Being with the boys.THE Bangtan boys.'

'Well,they...uh...they are all so...uh..kind and friendly.We got along so much.It was tiresome.'

I said a I rub my nape.Its kind of my habit when I'm not comfortable or embarassed.

'Is that it?Did you fanboy?'

'I...almost did.'

'Very well.Sleep now,baby.'

'How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a baby?',I asked.

'When you get yourself a bf.Now get yo' ass outta here before you see something not for children.'

I ran upstairs and plopped down on my bed.

My phone beeped and saw that Jimin DM me.

Jaemieobseo:Jeon Jungkookie~~I just realized that I haven't got your number since then.

* * * * *

But this book will be having book two.

It will be called
'Fan Service'

It will be called'Fan Service'

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bye biches

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