∞ 11

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'YAH!Yugyeom-ah!!',I shouted as I saw him running to our table.

'Mianhae hyung.The company called me,they said we will be having a fanmeet this afternoon.',he said and sat down.

'Did you ate already?',Yugyeom asked me,worriedly.

'Yes I---'


Oh.I totally forgot I was still with him.

Yugyeom's eyes widened as his eyes darted at Jimin.

'Su-Sunbae-nim.',he stood up and bowed.

'So you're the Yugyeom,that this guy's bf?',he asked with authority while pointing at me.

I shove his finger and glared at him.

'Uh yes,sunbae.Jungkook has been my bestfriend since then.',Yugyeom said,looking really uncomfortable because of Jimin's appearance.

I cleared my throat and looked at Jimin.

'Jimin-ssi,if you wouldn't mind,we'll go now.Yugyeom needs to rest.',I said politely despite that I don't even call him hyung when we're alone.

'Alright.',he said while nodding.

Yugyeom and I quickly got up and left.

When I realized I forgot something very important.

'Yugyeom-ah please wait here.I forgot something.',I said and ran off.

He was still there.He was tapping hus fingers on the table and looked at my direction.

'Jungkookie!',he said and got up.He was smiling widely when he said that.

'Uhm...can I....should I...',I said,not sure of what words I should use.

'What,Jungkookie?',he said,while frowning.

'Can I have your autograph?'

* * * * *

* * * * * Hey

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