Chapter 8 - I won't confess because I don't know how

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I can fight the world

With a friend like you by my side

But I cannot fight the pain I feel

Every time you walk on broken shells without me

~ Annie


I couldn’t move. My heavy heart made sure of that, all because Aryan hadn’t called me Pigtails! There was never ever an instance when he hadn't. Not until now. I was the one to tell him I was no longer his Pigtails, but never did I imagine the pain it would cause me if he ever stopped. The constant beep on the phone reminded me that he was no longer available at the other end.

Someone took the phone from my hand and I blinked. Annie stood in front of me with a few questions written clearly on her face, but her radiant smile was the one that caught my attention. I blushed and her eyes widened along with her smile.

“Ahem! So…” she teased, raising one perfect eyebrow; her eyes held a twinkle similar to her brother’s.

“So nothing, you liar!” I turned around and walked into my room. I needed the air conditioner to work its magic on my cheeks to begin with. The rest of me felt equally hot; I might need an ice-cold shower to cool down. Damn Aryan and his arrogance! That boy needed to be taught boundaries. I was no longer his bestie to behave with as he pleased.

“I didn’t lie. I just thought you should find out for yourself. You looked very very eager to.” Her eyebrows danced up and down with delight. “And it worked very very well.” Her self-satisfied grin broadened and stretched from ear to ear.

Cranberry red clung to her lips and I looked at the two tall empty glasses on my study table. I shook my head and smacked her upside the head.

“You ungrateful imp! You set me up and then drank my glass of juice too.”

“You were preoccupied with something more interesting, and it looked lonely, so I drank it.” She shrugged, but her eyes sparkled with unbidden curiosity.

“I should throttle you! Twice!”

“Ha ha! You wouldn’t! You’re terrified I’d haunt you like Algo does.”

She was right. They would gang up and make my life miserable. I shuddered.

“Ahem. So…” Her fake cough and raised eyebrows made me narrow my eyes, but the telltale blush I could feel blooming on my cheeks must have alerted her. She laughed lightly. “Come on Divi, spill!”

“There is nothing to spill.” I threw up my hands, exasperated.

“Of course there’s something; I heard the way you literally attacked him over the phone.” Annie followed me inside and jumped onto the bed, looking eager for me to spill the beans.

“I did not attack him!”

“Where are you Aryan? Tell me right this minute,” Annie mimicked me, sitting up on the bed with both the hands on her hips.

“I did not say it like that!” I glared at her, subconsciously following her example and placing both my hands on my hips.

She clutched her stomach, her eyes tearing up with uncontrollable laughter.

“Oh Divi! And what was that you asked him? Oh, yes! With whom?” She laughed like she had never laughed before.

Forget it! Even the air conditioner could not stop my cheeks from flaming up again, but I used the heat to glare at my best friend who was enjoying herself way too much at my cost. That was it! Someone was going to have their throat throttled for free today.

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