Chapter 23

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Aaron grabbed a stray bow and quiver full of black arrows. Some of the assassins had abandoned their bows in trade for using a sword. They had run to join in the blood bath.

Aaron quietly shouldered the quiver full of arrows and tested the bow.

Aaron had long ago abandoned all of his expensive clothing. All he had on was a white plain tunic, tan breeches, and shoes.

He pressed his back against the pillar he was hiding behind. He was sweating nervously.

When he had first seen the assassins emerge from the pillars, he had been in the darkest corner of the room, as far away from the crowd as possible.

He still had no clue how he didn't get caught immediately.

Aaron wasn't much of a sword and knife person. That, at least, was very clear from the start. He wasn't terrible, but definitely not as good as would be required.

Then, his mentor showed him the bow and arrow.

He was a natural.

Any target his mentor gave him, he could hit right in the center every time.

But he didn't tell anyone of his skill. The only people that knew of his secret skill was his father, his mentor, and himself.

He was grateful for it now.

Aaron peaked from behind the pillar, making sure he wasn't seen.

His breath caught when he saw his sister. She had a knife to her throat.

Hot anger burned inside of him. He almost pulled back an arrow and shot the man holding her, but he resisted.

He had to wait for the right moment.

He tore his eyes away from Rosily and observed what was happening.

Aaron saw Winston, one of the captains that had first escorted Nicole into the palace. Well, he wasn't a captain anymore. He was just promoted to General a few weeks ago.

Nicole was as still as a statue and even from where he was standing, Aaron could see she was pale white. Her dark purple dress was torn and shredded. One side of her dress, in the front, had been torn so badly that you could see the most part of her legs. She was filthy with blood. He saw a cut across her cheek; it leaked blood down the right side of her face. She held a bloody sword at her side.

Then, his eyes landed on Torian.

Aaron immediately remembered his name and what he looked like because his sister was always talking about him.

But there was something wrong.

As he watched, Torian walked up to Winston and punched him in the face.

Huh . . . What?

Aaron put the pieces together instantly.

Torian was not who he said he was.

Aaron nocked an arrow in his bow string and aimed at Torian.

But then, he stopped himself.

He saw commotion in the crowd. The group of innocent people parted for someone. A lot of the innocents were crying or praying.

Then he saw him.

He was medium height and stocky. And he wore an ironed, professional all black suit that was clean of any blood. He had his hands behind his back.

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