Chapter 4

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I feel like I'm half dead. Probably because I am.

I found myself chained to the post when I woke up the next morning.

Now, it's in the middle of the day and we are taking a break from pulling the cursed wagon, which I barely managed just to keep up with. And all I can think is food, food, food.

I get to eat. That's why I won the fight. That's why I am still moving.

I get to eat.

Food, food, food, food, food.

I see one of the soldier's hand food portions to my walking dead buddies, then he starts for me, and I can't stop, but feel excited and rejuvenated.

I see the mashed potatoes, I smell the bread roll, and I can almost taste the meat savoring in my mouth.

I practically have it in my hands when someone speaks up.

"Hold on soldier," says the captain.

The soldier with my food portion pauses and I'm panicking.

No. No. No! It's mine! That food is mine!

"Only give her the bread roll," he says.

And I'm furious. I'm seething. I'm fuming.

"What! I fought for a whole meal, and I'm going to eat a full meal!" I protest before I can stop myself.

I kick myself from not holding my tongue.

This is exactly what he wanted me to do and I fell for it. Well, no turning back now. Might as well run with it.

And it's easy, because I want to rip his throat out.

All my hatred and pain needs an outlet sometime, and I guess this is that time.

"That is mine! I earned it! I deserve it! You promised me! It's mine!" I'm now on my feet.

"Calm down or you will get nothing! You should be grateful!" he shouts back.

"Grateful?! Grateful?! I should be grateful?! You should be grateful I'm kind enough to let you keep breathing! You should be grateful that I am not tearing out your throat right here, right now!" I shout.

And all I'm thinking is: Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

And I can't stop myself.

And it's at that point when all Hell breaks loose.

"I am DONE! I am done being your little pet! Your slave! I am done! I see how you treat us, I've felt it! You say it's to teach us a lesson, but I know you enjoy and savor our pain! You are a monster! I tried to be kind enough to not strike out, to let go, but I am tired! I am tired of tolerating your abuse, your hatred, and your threats! I am DONE!"

And that's also when I know I've gone too far.

The captain looks me in the eye with a mix of anger, hatred, pure delight, and satisfaction. He's found his reason, his excuse to get rid of me.

"Soldier! Escort this girl to the center of Death Camp 11 and prepare for an execution. I want every soldier, every captain, and especially every prisoner there to witness the execution of this girl. And it will be a slow, painful death that all of the prisoners will remember until they die here." He's still looking at me, with a smug expression on his face. "You have finally found your resting place here, girl. And I'll say, I'm happy to see you go."

It was an exciting day for the princess of the Royal Crown. Today, she would go out of the palace. Today, she would see the outside world for the very first time in 15 and half years.

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