Chapter 11

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Several weeks passed. Every morning until late evening, I went and sparred with Winston, Jeffrey, and the woman, who I later learned was called Violet. Every sparring session ended with exhaustion but no arguments were made throughout the process. I was surprised that only some of the time I was able to win the fights, but I was getting better.

I was allowed to bathe after every session and slept in comfortable silence. Princess comes by my cell as often as she can, or so she says. My strength has come back to me slowly, but now, I feel refreshed and reborn. My previous wounds have all healed into scars. The healing for my whipped back actually turned out to be a miracle, and not as bad as expected and patched up well.

And yet, out of all those weeks, I have yet to go outside.

I had just finished my breakfast that consisted of a biscuit and an apple when I hear footsteps, coming in fast and loud.


I quickly finish up and settle myself on the stiff mattress, waiting.

"We can go outside! We can go outside!" Princess exclaims before she even sees me. She is nearly breathless as she speaks. "We can go picnicking! We can walk to see the garden or the lake! Oh! We could go RIDING!"

I perk up. Finally, some good news.

"I take that as a definitely. Let's go riding!"

I'm handed riding boots to go with my all plain clothing. As soon as I get them on, she leads the way for me and my posse as we make it out of the dungeons and out of the into the palace halls. She is wearing a dark blue knee length dress that is loose and flowy. Her red hair is up in an elaborate hairdo that pulled her hair out of her face. She's wearing an expensive, blue sapphire necklace.

We soon arrive at the front doors and I almost jump outside.

The grass is freshly cut, the flowers are in full bloom, the sky is clear, and the sun is beaming. The air smells of grass, flowers, and earth. The air around me is crisp and fresh. I lean my head back, close my eyes, and breath in a sigh.

"It's nice, isn't it? Do you want to go riding? Let's go!" And the Princess is off at a fast pace down the creamy brick path, heading towards what I presume are the stables. My posse and I have to walk faster to catch up with her.

There are trees that align all down the brick path that, from what I can tell, leads to everywhere. The trees are very well maintained and taken care of. Their leaves cast shade all down the path; only a little of the sun's light defiantly breaks past the barrier of leaves.

We turn a corner and I catch sight of the stables.

The roof is a plain white color that reflects the sun's light; making it almost impossible to stare at directly. The main building is the color of dark red, the sight reminds me of blood. The large double doors at the front of the structure were as white as the roof, though not as blinding. There were windows all along the length of both sides of the rectangular building. I could see multiple heads of horses emerged out of the windows.

My heart lifts at the sight of something that I love and miss.

The voice of a young girl broke me out of my reverie.

"Here are the horses that you requested, Your Highness." The girl was tall and graceful looking. Her black hair was in a tight braid that trailed down her back. Her face was soft and good natured. She was dressed in a maids dress with an apron over it. She seemed to avoid looking in my direction, and she seemed stiff and nervous. In both her hands, she held two horses.

The one on her right was a light dapple gray with white stockings at the base of it's hooves. It wore a dark green bridle and saddle.

And to the left of the stable girl, was the pitch-black mare.

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