Chapter 9

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My world is falling apart.

Every advantage I once thought I had, is gone.

I am in a wide open field, surrounded by open flames of fire.

My world is falling apart, and I don't know how to piece it back together.

All my protective defences, all my barriers, are tumbling down.

I am once again, nothing.

They can see right through me.

They know everything about me.

I am nothing.

Everywhere I go, there is always that something that has to remind me that I am still nothing.



And I am tired.

I am so tired.

Why can't it be someone else for a change? Why can't it be someone else who deserves it? Why can't it be someone else?

Why me?

But here I am.

Standing as still as a statue.

A snake ready to strike.

Nothing will save me. No one will be there to comfort me. Nothing can protect me for my repeated beatings and batters.

No one, but myself.

Always myself.

Only myself.

My mind is slowly coming back to life. Turning, twisting, magnifying.

Soon, my mind is racing. Running. Trying to beat the dangers and weaknesses. Racing like it will never live another day. Running like there might be a slim chance of my survival.

New walls appear. New barriers build themselves. New defenses are made.

Layers upon layers of protection.

And I am preparing.

And I am planning.

I will not lose this time. I will not run away from those who think they can bully me.

I am no longer their puppet.

My dreams took me to nightmares that night.

My eyes snapped open and my hands were clenching the edges of my bed for dear life.

My eyes stare at the blank ceiling.

And all I can think about is: they know my name. They know who I am, what I am, and who I'm destined to be.

All of it.

And I hate it.

For more than just a few years, not a lot of people knew my name. In fact, only people in the Assassin's League knew my name.

Now everyone knows.

And I just stare.

I surprise myself with the feeling of panic and fear rising within me, trying to escape and control me. I realize my breathing has sped up and try to calm myself down.

Then, I smell the food before I see it.

My body suddenly feels like it just ate straight sugar for hours. I sit up immediately and turn my attention to the direction of the smell. I can almost taste it.

My hands are shaking, my mouth is watering, my thoughts are going crazy with it.

But I hide it. I hide my excitement. I hide that I haven't eaten a full meal in several days.

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