Chapter 21

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Torian looked down at Rosily.

She was so beautiful.

He squeezed her hand and she smiled up at him. Her eyes shone with adoration and love.

But his heart didn't flip, not even a twitch. He didn't experience any warm glow. He didn't feel anything.

He smiled a wide smile.

His killer smile.

There would be no more pretending after tonight.

It was time.

"Hold on, Rosily," he said.

He let go of her hand, but didn't let go of her waist. He still needed her.

He raised his free hand in the air above them.

He smiled his killer smile and then he snapped his fingers.

It was the queen who first saw the archers emerge from the shadows of the pillars. Queen Taliea straightened in her seat. She glanced at her husband, but he hadn't noticed them yet.

What was going on?

She was about to get King Spencer's attention when she saw one of the archers turn towards her.

A strike of pure fear slammed against her more powerful then lightning ever could.

They were here.

As she watched, the assassin pulled back his bow with a signifying black arrow and aimed right at her.

Before she could move, the assassin screamed.

Then the assassin let go and let the arrow fly.

Before Queen Taliea could scream, the arrow shot through her throat.

In a split second, Queen Taliea was dead.


Rosily looked around in confusion.

What was happening?

What traitor? Who's the traitor?

She heard a distant Thump! Then, someone screamed.

Rosily turned her head in that direction, but she couldn't see who it was.

"Torian?" she asked uncertainly. She turned to look at him to see if he was as confused or worried as her.

It was almost the opposite.

He seemed unsurprised by the scream or noise almost as if he hadn't heard them at all.

What was going on?

Torian looked down at her with his beautiful smile. Maybe she had just imagined the screaming.

But then, she heard more screams. Terrified screams.

Torian and her were in the center of the crowd and the people blocked the view.

Torian turned back to what he was looking at before. He was taller so he could mostly see over the crowd.

"Fire," he suddenly said. It wasn't loud, but it was loud enough for several people around us to turn and look at him.

Then all Hell broke loose.

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