Chapter 2

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"Hey. Wake up. Time to go work."

My eyes snap open.

"Oh hey, Dirt."

He kicks my leg a little harder than necessary.

"Get moving! Time to go push wagons, your favorite," Dirt says.

I try not to moan. My stomach is sore.

He grabs my shackled wrists and disconnects the chains from the post. My hands immediately fall to my side. A burst of hot pain shoots down my arms. I struggle to smother a scream. A mix between a yelp, groan, and a whimper escapes me before I can stop it. I quickly lift my arms up again, above my head.

The pulsing pain stops.

"Sorry, did that hurt?" Dirt asks all too innocently.

He grabs me by my wrists and yanks me up. He holds my wrist against his chest, forcing me closer to him than necessary. His eyes feel like they can dig into my soul. I've never felt so vulnerable and powerless.

I hate it more than anything else in the world.

No. You know that if you wanted, you could tear out his throat. Do not show weakness.

The thought gives me comfort, even if it might not be true, but I don't think about that.

He's still staring, and I meet his eyes with determination.

He chuckles.

"Still the silent will, determination, and defiance. That's fine, we'll break you soon enough."

Try me.

"Don't believe me? Don't worry, I am personally going to make sure it's as painful and tiring as possible. I will see to it that you're the most broken out of all of you low lifes," he promises.

Don't know if I should've have messed with him last night; might be a total backfire. But what did I expect? Hugs, kisses, and thank yous? Need to hold my tongue. Such a blabber mouth, I'm almost as bad as the women at court.

"Let's go to the wagon, shall we?" he asks.

Not like I have a choice.

He takes my right forearm and walks quickly over to a wagon nearby, kicking at the prisoners on the ground as he walks past.

He finally comes to a stop in front of the wagon. I look back to see the rest of my prison guards standing behind us. I turn back around when I hear a familiar voice.

"How was the night at the post, girl?" the captain asks triumphantly.

Hold your tongue, I order myself.

I'm proud that I remain silent.

"Hmm. Lieutenant?" He turns to Dirt.

"Yes, sir." Dirt salutes.

"Any trouble?"

Dirt smiles mischievously.

And I realize that he could say anything he wanted about me, and they will believe him.

Dirt glances at me with a look that makes my stomach sink.

Definitely a backfire. Should not have said anything to agitate him yesterday. Idiot!

"She has too smart of a mouth, captain. While I was on guard duty, she was back talking to me and the other soldiers," Dirt reports.

Why? Why couldn't I just have been quiet?

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