Chapter 10

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Sure enough, Captain Winston comes by my cell after I eat and tells me we are going to spar together.

He leads me out my cell and out of the dungeon. I see two other men waiting outside the door. They both are heavily armed and obviously ranked high.

This is my new posse.

I notice one of them is Jeffrey. From Camp 11. My personal torturer.

I sigh.

"Here, get changed. You can't wear whatever that is, anymore," says the one I don't recognize. I am surprised to find that who I had mistaken as a man, was in fact, a woman.

She takes me to a separate room and joins me in it. Four corners, four walls, one door, and no windows.

"Go on and change," she says to me.

I raise an eyebrow at her.

"I have to stay and watch so you don't try anything funny," she responds.

I look at her with a blank expression.

I don't care if she's going to watch, it's just, I don't want to see her expression when she sees all my scars and the bruises that I had recently recovered from, all over my body.

I don't want anyone to see them.

"Go on, hurry up," she presses.

She has dark brunette hair that's tied back out of her face. She is taller than me.

Of course, I'm on the short side of the spectrum of height; everyone's taller than me.

I breath in a sigh and shrug.

Just this once, since I'm in desperate need of some kind of clothing.

I hold still as she takes off my shackles on my wrists and ankles. She unsheathes a long, thin sword and gives me a warning look.

Then, I take off the shredded pants from my legs.

Unhealed cuts and bruises align all down both of my legs.

I see the woman's eyebrows furrow. I don't look up at her again.

I unclothe and reclothe in the new clothing.

The pants are a perfect fit. They are plain black with no pockets. My shirt's sleeves come down to my elbows. The shirt, too, is black. Everything about the clothes are as simple as could be.

I wonder when I'm able to get a bath.

"You will get to bathe at the end of the day," she says, as if she could read my mind. "And you forgot your shoes and socks."

I shake my head.

I will go barefoot. I am not ready for sock and shoes.

Not yet.

I need to remember who I really am.

"Your loss. Let's go."

She re-shackled my wrists and ankles then leads me out of the room. I am immediately grabbed by Winston and Jeffrey.

It's when we are out of the room when I notice that the woman is deathly pale.

I turn back to my the others in my posse and see Winston's face filled with concentration and deep curiosity while Jeffrey looks amused.

The woman clears her throat.

"Right. Well, let's go." She leads us down the halls, past multiple intersections, and into a large room. She stops in the center on the room. I look around.

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