Chapter 17

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They take me back to the new room, not the cell. Thank the Heavens.

I'm in a daze as they escort me there; everything feels numb and less extraordinary as it once was while they take me through the halls.

But the sound of music breaks me free of it.

We stop in front of my new living quarters and I realize that the music is coming from inside.

Who is in my room?

I don't recall any conversations when Rosily told me that she played an instrument.

I listen closely and recognize the instrument that's being played.

It's the piano.

I vaguely remember seeing a piano in my new room, but I had discarded it as something of interest because I didn't play.

The song that is being played sounds angry and wounded. It rattles inside my head and somehow, shows me those emotions. Shows me of losing a bloody war, knowing that you're about to die or of the loss of a true love. I feel myself drowning into the notes, become overwhelmed by the dark beauty of the song.

The guards open the door and shove me into the room; they close the door behind me.

I stare in shock.

It's Aaron.

What is he doing here? Why is he playing angry songs? What's going on between him and his Father?

But for some reason, I keep quiet and listen to his music. I travel quietly to my bed and sit down.

I close my eyes and let his music engulf me.

His fingers pound on the piano, expressing anger and distress and passion. It sends power, more than words could ever describe. It speaks of trying to get up, but unable to rise. Of something pushing him down, of someone forcing him into submission.

And he tries and tries, but he can't get back up.

The song feels like it's own battlefield.

Then, Aaron ends; softly pressing down chords until their notes disappear.

"I didn't know you played the piano."

Aaron spins around, startled. For half a second, he seems almost panicked, but as he recognizes me, he relaxes slightly.


It almost seems like he was expecting someone else.

Someone like his Father.

"You play beautifully," I continue.

His lips slightly part, speechless.

"I also didn't know you were mute, Your Highness," I say.

"Uh, well. . . I was just. . . Sometimes I--" he stops, takes a breath, then continues, "I don't usually play in front of anyone," Aaron finally says.

"Why wouldn't you? You play beautifully."

Aaron's eyebrows furrow, like he's in deep thought.

"It's not just playing the piano," he says. At seeing my confused expression, he explains further, "It's like expressing the purest of feelings, like showing and opening yourself to someone else."

"Hmm. Well, I thought it was beautiful, Your Highness."

He twists fully around on the piano bench to face me.

"Did you wish to see me, Your Highness?" I ask.

"Well, I certainly did not know this is where your rooms are, if that is what you're asking. I was just looking to be by myself and drown in my own despise."

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