6th Service

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The Separated;[OHSHC x Reader x OC's]
...006; 6th Service
(Y/N)'s POV

"I know we're loads of fun and surprises, but what do you mean not to tell anyone?"

I flinched once more as I heard those words and slowly tilted my head behind the couch I was sitting in.

"Kyo-Kyoya-senpai..!" I exclaimed as I tried to calm my pounding heart from the surprise my upperclassman just gave me. "You gave me quite a shock!"

"I apologize for that, Miss (Your Name). I didn't mean to do that," Kyoya apologized with a bow, "but can you please tell me what you two were talking about?"

I fiddled with my thumbs around my back and put on a fake busted face. "Oh, man! Kyoya-senpai caught us!"

"Of course I would." The black-haired man boasted with pride in his voice and adjusted his glasses to the upper bridge of his nose.

"Well, we're talking about some rumored gossips spreading around lately and Mori-senpai caught a hold of something." I hesitantly lied, hoping Kyoya-senpai would at least buy that.

His gaze suddenly turned sharper and was scarier by the moment as it pierced my inner soul. "And.. what is that rumor about?"

I nervously gulped and transferred my gaze to the shiny, polished tiles. 'Sorry, Kyoya-senpai!' "Uhm... Rumor has it that Kyoya-senpai is actually gay and is secretly going out with Tamaki-senpai that's why they always hang around with each other."

Kyoya-senpai was silent for a moment before grinning at me. And I'm a hundred percent sure he's not happy. He has this weird purplish-black aura around him and I slowly inched myself away from him.

"B-But! It's just a rumor! Fangirls are always there to protect you!" I quickly inserted before he goes out and lure the whole school on whom who started the rumor. It isn't even true.

Glasses-man calmed down and wrote something in his notebook. Okay, I'm pretty sure that's done already.

"So, with everyone here, I want you all to welcome our guest for the time being, (Your Full Name)." Kyoya introduced as I stood up properly and bowed.

"Thank you for having me here. And, a host club sure is a unique club to begin with." I commented as I grinned.

Tamaki-senpai then twirled himself to me and grabbed my right hand, kissing the back of my palm which made the color pink dust itself on my cheeks. "Welcome, princess, to the host club. It's an honor for you to be here with us. Tamaki Suoh at your service." He said.

I smiled and nodded a thanks.

Suddenly, the twins clutched themselves on my arms which made me flinch. "Us twins are really happy that you're here with us, princess. Looking beautiful!" They synchronized.

Hikaru, the one on my right, introduced himself, "My name's Hikaru.." and his brother continued, "...And I'm Kaoru..." Then, they synchronized again, "...And we're the Hitachiin twins!~" They cooed.

I nervously smiled at them as they exited in a majestic way.

'Damn.. That's how Taoru and I welcome our guests before..'

"And, my name's Haruhi Fujioka. A pleasure to meet you!" He-- She smiled at me and offered a handshake. I beamed and gladly accepted it. At least, someone was sane enough.

"So, (Your Nickname)! Welcome to the host club once again! Come here frequently, okay?" Honey-senpai exclaimed at the same time everyone smiled at me.

This is an unexpected occurrence, but I think this was a bit fated. Who am I kidding? I'm reading too much novels, but I sure am happy to meet them for some reason.

Ouran Host Club, huh?

"Hey, (Your Name)! How about we play a game?" The twins suddenly blurt out. "A game?" I questioned.

They nodded and put on identical caps before grinning with each other and held their index fingers up while saying, "The 'Which-Is-Hikaru-Game'!"

I sweat dropped. 'Which is Hikaru, game??'

Without allowing me to say anything, they twirled and switched themselves around before stopping after a couple of questions and finally asking which is which.

I sighed and put my hands on my waist while puffing my cheeks a little. "You guys.. You do know that it's so easy to determine the both of you, right?" I asked.

Their eyes widened but soon they smirked and minimized our gap between the three of us. I blushed a little but quickly blew that off away.

"A-re?~ You sure about that?"

I nodded and quickly pointed the left twin. "That's you, Hikaru." I stated without even hesitating a little.

"You-.." I cut them off as I continued, "Hikaru, you have a deeper voice than Kaoru's. Your eyes are much more sharper than Kaoru's, You're always in the right side of Kaoru without even you noticing it because it became a habit, and lastly, you're more talkative and rougher than your brother. Isn't that enough evidence that I know who you are? So don't even try to say I'm lying."

The host club members were frozen stiff at what I deducted, especially the twins. They took off their hats, and see? I won the game! Just like that. Hello?~ I'm also a twin, you know? You could say I'm like Kaoru and it's not just because we're both younger twins. We also do this when I was young, y'know? I just wore a wig, though.

"...W-We're completely speechless..." Hikaru said. "That's nicely said than done, y'know? And we only just met. You have a twin fetish, don't ya'?"

I smirked at him, "Not quite."

They were about to continue when the bell rang. Looks like it's already lunch time, huh? "Neh, (Your Name), want to eat with us?" Haruhi said. I shook my head and smiled.

"I'm sorry, but can I stay here? I'm not quite hungry." I declined. She just nodded as the others went ahead, leaving a farewell.

Before Haruhi left, I quickly grabbed her hand and whispered, "Your secret's safe with me." She tilted her head towards me with shocked face while I just grinned. She sighed and soon smiled back, leaving me.

"Miss (Your Name), mind if I talk to you?" Damn, that surprised me. So Kyoya-senpai is still here, huh?

"What is it, Kyoya-senpai?" I asked, facing him.

"Mind if we talk about Hirikawa Taoru? Or should I say, your twin brother, (Your Last Name) Taoru?"

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