"No, I'm sorry but we can't do this tomorrow because I have a lot to say right now. I'm never going to get any sleep because of this stupid fight unless we talk about it now and solve the problem tonight." Caleb replies, following me to Casey them's room.

"Okay, listen. We cannot do this right now because the problem can't be solved in just one talk. We can't talk tonight because the kids are sleeping and we both know that if we have this talk now, it'll turn into a big argument and we don't want the kids to wake up and hear it." I explain to him, as calmly as I can.

"But-" Caleb begins to say but is,once again, cut off by me.

"Now, I'm going to go tuck Casey into bed and when I am done, I am going to take a nice long ass shower and go to bed without talking to you about the argument." I tell him before opening the door to the kid's room.

"Hey, did you brush your teeth? Did you use the stool?" I ask Casey as I sit on her bed, facing her.

"Yup." She replies, showing me all of her teeth.

"Good." I reply, smiling at her.

I tuck her little body in and kiss her head.

"Goodnight baby girl, mommy loves you." I tell her softly, seeing her eyes already closed and hearing her little snores coming out of her mouth.

I check on Drew, seeing him sleeping peacefully. I kiss his forehead, telling him I love him. I walk out of the room after turning off the light and close their door.

I began to walk to Corey's room to check up on him.

Caleb walks out of Corey's room, closing the door behind him.

"Is he still asleep?" I ask Caleb, startling him a little.

"Yeah." Caleb replies to me.

I nod my head and and walk to our bedroom, Caleb following me.

I enter the bedroom, beginning to get my pajamas out and my underwear.

"Now, let's talk." Caleb says, closing our bedroom door and sitting on the bed.

"No Caleb. I already told you that I don't want to talk tonight. We can talk tomorrow. Now, I'm going to go take a shower." I tell him, entering the bathroom and closing the door.

I turn the shower on, making the water hot. I undress myself and step into the shower, the warm water calming me instantly. As I begin to wash my hair with shampoo, the glass door is thrown open. I open one of my eyes, seeing Caleb standing behind me, naked.

I wash the shampoo out and turn to him.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shout at Caleb.

"We need to talk and I know you're not going to talk to me when you get out of the shower. So, why not just talk now?" Caleb explains to me.

"Fine." I give in because I know Caleb won't let this go any time soon.

"Okay, I thought about what you said and I get it. You think I work too much and-" Caleb starts to say but I cut him off, angry at what he said.

"I think you work too much? You don't think you work too much? Because you do Caleb! You work so damn much and you think it's acceptable to be late to important things or you never show up until it's over! You say it's okay if you're late because you say sorry and your excuse is because of work. But it's not okay! Sure, being late once or twice, that's fine! But being late over eleven times for important things is not okay! I get it, you have work and that's important to you. But family should come first, no matter what." I tell him, tears streaming down my face from frustration and sadness.

"Don't cry. Please don't cry." Caleb says, wrapping his arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his waist and cry on his shoulder. Caleb's chin rests on my head as he whispers sweet things to me.

"You hurt me Caleb. You hurt me every damn time you're late." I cry out to him.

"I never mean't to hurt you Hanna. I-I didn't think it affected you so much, I'm sorry." Caleb replies, hugging me tighter.

"Work is so important to me, but I can promise you that family is a lot more important. I-I now understand that I don't show it enough. But I promise I will. I'll do anything to prove to you and the kids that I love you guys more than anything. I promise." Caleb says to me, unwrapping his arms around me and looking into my eyes.

I nod my head and close the small space between us, kissing him. Caleb instantly kisses back with just as much passion, if not, more. I decide to tease him and not let his tongue enter my mouth. Caleb groans and pinches my butt, making me gasp. He takes that opportunity and pushes his tongue into my mouth. I moan from his touches on my body, not wanting it to ever end.

Caleb breaks the kiss and looks at me.

"You know, the kids are sleeping and we are in the shower together, naked." Caleb says, wiggling his eyebrows up and down and smirking at me.

I giggle at him and kiss him, feeling his arousal poking my stomach.


Authors Note:

Hey people! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I certainly enjoyed writing it!

Let me know how you guys feel about this chapter and how you guys feel about the outcome in the comments.

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Happy Reading!


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