Chapter 39 - (2.5K Words)

Start from the beginning

Jin nodded and kept his eyes to the ground, but you could see the tears trailing down his chin. You sighed and stepped away from the table, pulling Jin along with you. Taehyung stepped up to the table and quickly fished the cue ball out of the corner pocket.

You stood off to the side with Jin, who was now draped over your shoulder and gently holding your hand. The both of you watched as Taehyung tripped and fell, only to catch and steady himself with the table. You shook your head as Hoseok laughed and pointed at Taehyung, and then proceeded to fall off the couch himself. The bottle of beer he had been holding only seconds before had emptied itself all over his shirt and a part of the carpet.

Taehyung helped himself to his feet while you comforted Jin, who was still crying and upset, although you weren't sure why. Namjoon set down his beer and helped Hoseok back onto the couch, all while trying to keep himself from falling off the couch too. Jimin snickered and grabbed the unprotected bottle of booze while Namjoon wasn't paying attention. Jungkook immediately smacked the bottle out of Jimin's hands and replaced it next to Namjoon.

It looked like Yoongi was the only one that wasn't causing any trouble. But, that was because he was passed out in one of the reclining chairs in the room with a half-empty beer bottle resting in his hand. You weren't sure how long ago he had fallen asleep because he had been quiet ever since he had sat down.

They're all just drunk children. It seems cute, but it can be really annoying. It would be easy to just take the keys right--

You heard the harsh clattering of the pool balls striking one another, which brought you away from your thoughts. You looked at the table in horror and saw the eight ball sailing towards the left side pocket. You internally cursed yourself for forgetting about the game, and how you were seconds away from losing to a drunk man.

Instead of falling into the side pocket, the eight ball hit the pointed edge of the table and bounced off in a different direction. You smiled to yourself while Taehyung loudly exhaled and slammed his fist against the side of the table.

"It's alright Taehyung, it's not your fault that I'm a better pool player than you are," you cooed softly, trying to irritate him just a little bit more. "You should know, you're just about to watch me win."

"Oh well," Taehyung shrugged, pushing himself off of the table. "I want you to smile really big for me, okay?"

You playfully rolled your eyes at him and lead Jin over to the side of the pool table. It didn't take you long to find a way to sink the only ball you had remaining. If you did it right, there was also a chance of hitting the eight ball in. You let go of Jin's hand and pulled your cue up to the table.

"Here, Jin," you spoke gently, "you can watch me make this shot instead. It's going to be better than the last one, I promise you."

Without giving you a reply, Jin snaked his arm across your back and let his hand rest comfortably on your hip. You smiled and leaned across the table to make your perfect shot. You made sure that the tip of the cue was steady at your fingertips before you reeled back and sent the cue ball flying.

Just as you had hoped, you sent the seven ball into the corner pocket, and the cue ball was headed straight for the eight ball. The cue ball started to lose momentum, but it didn't completely stop until it lightly tapped the eight ball towards one of the corner pockets on the other side of the table. There was no possible way for you to mess this next shot up.

Jin excitedly followed you over to the other side of the table, ready for you to make the final shot of the game. His tears had stopped flowing and it was like he had forgotten that he was crying in the first place. Now, he seemed interested in only the black ball on the tabletop.

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