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*Lexi POV*
Kian was far gone. What did I say that was so wrong. I want to know why he disappeared over spring break, why he didn't show up at the festival, and WHY hE leFT me waitInG foR hIm to coME. I went walking home instead not giving a shit now. The apartment wasn't that far so it was ok, but it being dark at night and in the streets terrify me. I realize my bag and my backpack uh it isn't with me. Where did I leave it? Wait don't tell me I left it in KIANS CAR UHH..or Jc's car? Uh did I leave it at the beach by the rocks!? SHIT I DON't REMBER! my...phone..MY PHONE!
I checked my pockets but found nothing. UHHHHH AND MY KEYS ARE IN MY BAG TOO!! Well then. What a day. I start walking to the apartment.
*Kian POV*
Right after I kicked out Lexi from my car I started driving and leaving her behind while I did the anger with thin me later turned into tears slowly. Each tear hitting the palm of my hand. I rub my eyes and they start swelling and turning red. I'm still driving but I stopped at the side of the road to clear my head out. The tears got on the wheel and on my lap. "Why...why now. I can't stop crying WHY?! STOP IT STOP IT!!!" I scream inside my car like someone else is in here but, I was just me talking to myself. I slam my hands on the wheel. I calmed down a bit and went home.
- place: Kians house parking lot -
I finally made it and parked. I take my keys out, when I realized that there was a smiling emoji backpack...lame...and a beach bag too? Where did this come from. Out of no where a phone went off in the are it wasn't mine but the phone inside the beach bag.
               To be continued.......
-author note-
AYE UH SURPRISE I MADE A NEW CHAPTER OF THE BOOK YEA!! I might make a book 2 off this story so it's more organized and so but it follows up to the story where it was left off! Should I ? Yes or no? Plz comment what I should do!! But for now I hope you enjoyed!

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