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« Lexi POV »
After all that happened I decided to walk home alone. I know leaving without saying bye to friends and for leaving Jenn is bad.
But I don't want them to help me anymore I need to help myself for once.
I started to cry...I wasn't planning to CRY!! WHy. Out of no where a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turn around it was Jc. It looked like he was running for me...because he was sweating.
"HEY !??! Why did you leave us?" He asked me. I really didn't want to tell him but it looks like he wouldn't leave without a anwswer.
" I need to leave that place." I said trying to cover my face with my hair. So Jc doesn't see me cry but I guess it didn't work.
"Hey, why are you Crying Lexi...Lexi there's something wrong and I need to know. I don't want you to me sad..." he said while wiping my tears of my cheek.
He pulled my hair aside and he kissed my cheek.... "Hey are you still coming to the Beach party?" He asked me. "WHAT THE FUCK!!?!?! REALLY!?! NOW I DONT EVEN KNOW!!! OK!! I SAW MY MOM AND BROTHER !!THEY LEFT ME AND I DONT EVEN KNOW IF ILL SEE THEM AGAIN AND MY MOM HANDED ME A LETTER FROM MY DAD!!!!!!I DONT KNOW OK!!!!!" I shouted out. "I'm sorry Lexi...Im so stupid..." he said. It started to get a little dark and a car stopped by me and Jc. The car looked familiar. The hocked at use. The scrolled down the window and it was Jenn.
"Hey....oh...Lexi....wants wrong?" Jenn said.
I don't say anything and just opened the car door and walk in.

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