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*Lexi POV*
Opening my eyes slowly while bright lights shining on my face.
Where am I?....
"Your in the hospital sweetie" a gentle voice said.
I look for where the voice came from and saw and nice old lady by a door.
She had short gray hair with blue Diamond eyes. She walk up aside my bed and smiled at me. I smile back at her while a single tear runs on my cheek. I look at her tag and her name was Mrs.Wilson. She walk to the door and smiled back and open the door and left.

I was just wiped my tear of my cheek. The I started staring around the room and felt something in my pocket. It was my phone. I checked my phone and had 5 texts from Jc, and 5 miss calls from him. Then the nice old lady came back in.
"Hello sweetie" said Mrs.Wilson
"Hi" I whispered to her
"There's a young man wanting to see you, and his name is Jc caylen. May he see you? But...later"She said.
"Yes,he can see me" I said not trying to cry. She left and doctors came in and examend me and clean me up.
"Hello, Miss.Robert it looks like your ok. Just a broken finger and that's it. You will be wearing just this.^he show me it and started to but it on me^ So tomorrow your going home." The doctor announced to me.

After that finished it was time to see Jc. Right when I saw the door open I was so happy...not anymore it was my mom and brother. My mom started to scream at me like this is my fault. My brother was trying to calm her down but instead my mom pushed him to a seat. I felt bad for him for trying to help but he barely helps me through things like this happening to me.
"Lexi what the hell!!! Again!!! Are you stupid?? Do you need to go back to kindergarten?!?!" She shouted out.
"What the hell mom it's not my fault*starts to cry* like you think I would let this happen to me?!?!" I shouted back to her.
She smacked me right across my left Cheek were my skin was red and had some blood.
GET THE FUCCcKk OUT MOM I-I Hhate YOU!! I wish DAD WASs HerE and NOt YOu!!!!! I shouted out. I felt like a different me when I said that. I regret saying that..what is going to do to me...but at the same time I wAs telling the truth and how I really felt.
I look at my mom she look like here eyes where about explode tears and had anger too.I looked at my brother,looking at me with anger like I was the bad guy, like I ruined everything for use.
She drop one tear and dashed out the room with my brother. Will today be the last time I see them both. I love my brother and my mom not that much. She ruined my life. Then I started to cry for now I'm one with help..

I just made everything worst maybe I shouldn't had picken to live I did have a choice and I mess up that changes to leave.. FuCk!!!!
I heard the door open and screaming out " Please just leave *tears falling* I DONT WANT TO HAVE SHIT WITH YoU rIGht now!!!"
"Lexi ?...." The nice voice of a boy said.
I look up and saw that it was Jc my bestie....I need him right now.

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