Chapter 12

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Mikasa stayed with me until I told her I was fine, she gave me a unsure look, " I'm fine Mikasa, thank you." I told her, She nodded her head and left, I got up from the floor, " He lied to me, he never told me anything about my past, I felt betrayed and hurt, how was I going to look at him after reading that, I looked out the window to see it was dark outside still, " Might as well get some sleep, corporal levi well kill me if I just randomly fell asleep on him." I thought, I went back to bed, I welcomed the darkness that over came me.

Flashback/Dream: I really hated being in the underground lab, there have been many times I tired to escape, but they always caught me and the test became more painful each day, I hated it very much.

But one day... I did manage to escape, I ran and ran until I couldn't run no more, I stopped to take a break, the underground wasn't the safest place to live and crime was pretty bad here as well, but it was better than being in a cell for months, people were minding their own business to never noticed me, which was fine since I didn't want any attention anyway, I walked looking around at buildings and houses, I even saw some kids my age playing, I wasn't paying attention when I bumped into someone, " Hey watch it !" I exclaimed, the person turned around, he was a man with short black hair, white skin and steel blue eyes, he looked down at me, he wore a survey scout jacket, " Watch where your going brat." He said, I crossed my arms, " My names is not brat, it's kaia Rodriguez." I said glaring up at the man, he tched before walking away, " Wait !" I said, chasing after him.

Me and the man were walking around, even thought I don't think he enjoyed my company, that and I was asking him a lot of questions, but one question stopped him in his tracks, " Why are you down here ? Aren't you from up top ?" I asked, he stopped and looked at me, there was a long silence before he responded to my question, " I grew up down here." He said, my eyes widen, " Really ?" I asked, he looked at me, " Yes, me and my two friends lived down here." He said, we were at the giant hole that showed the outside of aboveground, the sun shining down on us, " What happened to your friends ?" I asked, he looked up at the sky, " They're... Gone." He said, " You mean they're in heaven ? " I asked him, he looked at me, " Yeah they're in heaven." He said, I took his big hand in my little hand, " Don't be sad mister, I know somewhere up there they're watching over you, protecting you." I said, I felt his hand grip mine lightly, he looked down at me, I saw a small smile grace his face, " I'm sure they are... thank you." He said, " Your welcome mister." I said, " Levi. Just levi." He said, " Okay levi." I said smiling at him, " KAIA !" I heard someone call my name, I gripped levi's hand hoping it wasn't someone mean from the lab, I was just a 6 year kid that just wanted to be free, to see and meet new people, like levi, luckily for me it was just ivan, my gripped became lose when I heard Ivan's voice, he came into view, " Kaia, where have you been, I was looking all over for you." He said, he saw me holding levi's hand, " Thank you for finding my daughter, I hope she wasn't much trouble." Said ivan picking me up, I let go of levi's hand, I missed the warmth of his hand on mine, " No, she wasn't, she was good company." Said levi, I smiled at him, " Well kaia, we have to go home." Said ivan, " Bye levi, I hope to see you again." I said waving at him.

I woke up, " Levi." I mumbled to myself, no wonder he looked so familiar, I was really young when I met him, Levi Ackerman, I looked out the window to see to was day, then I heard a knock on the door, " Oi brat wake up." Said a voice, levi's voice, I got out of bed and opened the door, we looked at each other, " Levi." I said, he looked at me like I grew second head, " You don't remember me do you ?" I asked, I held my hand in his, he didn't pull away, " Your her aren't you? The kid I meet so many years ago." He said, I nod and hugged him which was unprofessional, but I didn't care, surprisingly enough he hugged me back, " I told you I see you again." I mumbled, " Missed you too brat." He said, not seeing a small smile on his lips.

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