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Kensi's POV:

For once everything was perfect, no-one got injured, no-one is heart broken. Everyone is happy and making the most of the peaceful time that we have. I look at my stomach and smile as I rubbed it gently. I'm 6 months pregnant with a baby girl, whose father is Deeks of course, I can't believe that in three moths time Deeks and I will welcome our first child. I'm still unsure how to do this mother thing but I know that I have Deeks by my side to help me out, I know for a fact that children love Deeks since he can handle them perfectly. I can't get the wide smile that was plastered on his face from the moment that I told him that I'm pregnant out of my mind, that smile gets bigger and bigger as time passes and never leaves his face. My head shook up as I heard Eric's famous whistle, meaning that we had a case.

"Lady and gentlemen, I present to you ' case a la Beale'." Eric says as he bows down pretending to be a waiter at a posh restaurant. Sam and Callen roll their eyes as they walk up the stairs and Deeks holds my hand as we follow. Suddenly pain shoots through my stomach and I stop in the middle of the stairs, making Deeks stop as well and rush over to me. I cringe as I hold my stomach and Deeks's hand.

"Kens, Kens are you ok?" Deeks asks me in a worried tone. He rubs my back, but I realize what happened as it happens again. A smile appeared on my face and Deeks send me a confused look. I grab his hand and place it on my stomach.

"Deeks, she is kicking." I smile even wider as the words leave my mouth. I couldn't believe this , this was really happening. Deeks smiled even bigger and held me in my arms, I lean against his chest and enjoy the moment. He kissed my temple before bending down to kiss my stomach right where the baby was kicking. I start getting emotional and before I knew it, a couple of tears where rolling down my cheek. Hormones, I said to myself.

"I love you so much Kensi , you and baby girl make me so so happy." He kisses me and I kiss him back passionately. I put my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. In that moment nothing in the world mattered except for Deeks and baby girl. I didn't have anything else on my mind except for a bright future with them. However all good moments have to come to an end, ours came when we heard clapping. We pull away and a I became as red as a tomato as I saw my team mates standing there including Granger and Hetty. Deeks does his famous scratching his neck thing as well as taking his hair out of his eyes before making eye contact with them.

"Ms Bye, Mr Deeks, I'm glad that you are excited about having a child but I'm afraid that we must take care of this case." Hetty says in a serious tone and pointing the way to OPS. Deeks and I nod and start walking there, Deeks  and the boys walk at the front while Hetty and I stay at the back. Just before we reach OP, Hetty takes my arm pulling me back so we are way behind the boys.

"Congratulations Ms Blye, you deserve it." Hetty says to me gesturing at my stomach. I smile at her and bend down to give her a hug which she returns. I walk into OPS and take my place next to Deeks and listen to Nell explain our next case.

"This is Andrian Thompson, one of Arkady's many friends. He reported last night that a marine is dead near a restaurant downtown. However when the cops arrived, Thompson wasn't found and there was no way of identifying the dead person. We have no idea whether or nor he is a marine or where Thompson is." Nell explains showing us the dead body found and a picture of Adrian.

"How does Thompson know Arkady?" Callen asks suspicious. Nell looks at Eric and he sighs before opening his mouth to speak.

"Adrian doesn't know Arkady, he knows Anna. Now he doesn't know her as Anna, he only knows her as Antonia George. Antonia was Anna's fake ID when she used to do undercover work. Adrian somehow got involved in the case and helped Anna catch the suspect. However, Adrian didn't have any connections with the  suspect, at least on paper he didn't." Eric told us and bought pictures of the suspect. He was one of Anna's enemies, however Anna dealt with him by ending his life.

The story of usOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora