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Deek's POV: 

It was another  Saturday morning. Ahh Saturday my second favorite day of the week. Don't judge since who doesn't like two days without school or work. But not working isn't why I love Saturdays so much, I love them because Saturdays are the days when everything is calm and I can have a relaxing day with my partner, the one and only, Kensi Marie Blye. Kensi and I always spend Saturdays together, we start the day with me surfing and her riding her bike on the beach and then we would have breakfast either at our favorite cafe or I would make breakfast while she showers and changes her clothes. After our breakfast we would either have a lazy day in and watch movies or America's Next Top Model or we would spend the day out in the park, grocery shopping and then my favorite part, having a movie night with beers and pizza. I love the way she snuggles into me and sometimes hides her face in my chest when a scary part comes in the horror movie I have chosen, or sometimes shows her girly side and chooses a romances movie and shades a few tears when an emotional thing happens. If you didn't understand by now I like Kensi but she has problems letting people in after she lost Jack but I'm glad to say that I have broken a few of her walls. Anyways enough of me talking about Kensi since it's time for us to meet at the beach. 

Kensi's POV: 

 I was sitting on the sand enjoying the feeling of the water crash on to my feet. Before Deeks took me to the beach for the first time I admit that I thought he lost his mind when he said that the beach was his favorite place in the whole world, but now I completely understand what it meant. I mean who doesn't love a place were the mind blows your hair, water crashes on your feet, the sand is so soft that it can easily be mistaken as a cloud and where the hair smells so fresh and pure. As I look at my watch, I realize that Deeks should be here really soon. I like Marty but I would never admit it in front of anyone after what  happened with Jack. I know that Deeks promised me to never leave me but you can never be sure. Plus I bet that once he knows me even more than he knows now, I know that he will run for the hills. As I keep thinking about how miserable my life would be if Marty left me, I get interrupted by the person who put me in such thought.

" Morning Princess" he teases me knowing that I hate ( yet secretly love) that nickname but knowing that I will leave him speechless I decide to play along.

" Good Morning my Prince" I say with a smile on my face leaving him as speechless as I predicted, but I decide to kiss his cheek which resulted him with wide yes and open mouth.

" Close your mouth darling you'll catch flies" I say sweetly and close his mouth

" Are we on some sort of mission I don't know about?" he asks confused on why I'm acting this way.

" No, I'm just messing with you," I say laughing but instead of joining me almost immediately like he always does he looks almost disappointed for a moment. After I finished my laughing fit, I try to figure out why he looked like that but I ended up dropping the subject thinking that he will tell me if he wanted to. 

" Well, anyways where is your surf board?" I ask confused about why he didn't bring it. 

" I was thinking that I could try riding my bike for a change you know. Plus I wanted to do something with you." He says and right then I realized that he really does care for me. 

I didn't mention this but the last time we went on a mission alone and we didn't have a choice but to split up. And by the amount of luck I have I got attacked by the killer but luckily Deeks came to save me. After then lets just say that I'm not going to prefer being alone on the street for a while. 

" Let's go then what are we waiting for!!" I say giggling, running towards my bike as Deeks run towards his laughing.

This morning was a morning that I will always remember, we laughed cycled, ate ice cream, had breakfast. After breakfast we decided to run along the beach and swim for a bit.

" Race ya to the water!" he challenges but somehow end I win the race.

" Not fair, you are faster than me." he fake puts pushing me into the water, but since I'm in the mood for some jokes I decided to trick him.

"DEKKS! YOU STUPID I CAN'T SWIM! AHH DEEKS! HELP ME! " I yell finding it very hard to contain my laughter. 

" Fern I'm so sorry, come here" he apologies rushing to help me. He comes towards me,lifts me up so my head is laying on his chest and walks toward the shore. We sit down and look in each others eyes, me forgetting about the whole evil plan I made for him. We lean in to kiss and I look into his eyes and see something I only saw in Jack's yes, love. That moment I knew that no matter what happens he will never leave me and will always love me. I let him pull me into a kiss not forgetting to kiss back. Our lips move in pure sync and I can feel every piece of love and care that he has for him. The kiss is very gentle yet it holds so much passion. However the moment has to end when oxygen becomes a need. We pull away and look into each others still holding each other. 

" Kensi I love you, I really do, I know that you might not feel the same after what happened to Jack but Kens you know I would never do that to you..." deciding to end his ramble I pull him into another kiss to which he responds shocked but still kisses back.

" Marty shut up for a second and listen to me. I love you too. I really do and I'm not just saying that. What happened with Jack is a different story and now I know that you would never do that to me. I'm ready to let go to Jack and start a future with you, so Martin Deeks you have my complete trust and from this day on you officially have all of my walls broken down. But be patient cause I may still need to adjust to all of this. " I say and hug him. 

" Kensi you don't know how happy that makes me. I'm not going to let you down. Wait you when you said you want to start a future with me does this mean you want little ninja assassins with me?!"he asks already to excited and already kissing my neck.

"Whoah easy there tiger. Yes I do want kids with you but after we are married not now. Right now all I want is to enjoy my life with my awesome boyfriend." I say hugging him again.

"Alright then princess let's go home."

" Coming my prince " from now on I can finally call him my prince.

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