Another side of me

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Kensi's POV:

The day started as usual to everyone but Deeks and I, we had some news that we discussed about for a long time. Deeks was really nervous about Sam's and Callen's reaction, he was surprised about how calm they were when we announced our relationship but this, this is much more than that. No I wasn't pregnant, well at least not yet anyways. No we weren't getting married, so the only next big thing that a couple could announce is that they were moving in together. Deeks and I bought a apartment together and tonight I was moving in.  We walked into the bullpen holding hands and I realise that Marty's hand is starting to shake and sweat.  I stopped our walked which made him stop as well. I pulled him closer to me and wrapped my hands around his neck as I looked into his eyes.

"You know I love you, right?" I ask him, trying to calm him down.

"I do and I love you too, very much." He answered and I mentally sigh out if relief. I always dread that one day he is going to say that he doesn't love me anymore. Instead of answering I pull him into a tight hug which he gladly returns.

"So why do you care so much about what other people say about our relationship?" I whispered gently into his ear.

"Because I want to know that the people we love the most are going to agree with our decisions and will be there for us when we need them to help us make one. Fern you know how much I care about other people's opinion, even when I shouldn't." He replies in a voice as gentle as mine.

"I know but think of it like this we are together in this and we shouldn't care about what other people think of our relationship as long as we are happy." I pull him into a kiss and he happily kisses me back. After 10-20 seconds we pull away and look into each other's eyes.

"You are right, anyways we should get going before we are late." Deeks says as we pull away. We hold hands again and walk into the bullpen where Sam and Callen are having one of their stupid arguments over something ever do random. I pull away from Deeks so I can speak to Callen and Sam.

" GUYS!" I shout louder than I meant to, I think even England will here me," Deeks and I have some news for you guys." I say this time much softer,

"What's going on? Did Deeks hurt you?" Sam questions me.

"No!" I send Sam a glare before hitting Deeks in the arm," Say it already." I whisper so only he can hear it.

"What?! I thought that you were gonna say it?!" Deeks argues back , "Seriously Kensi do you want me dead already?" He says it much more softer remembering that the others are still in the room.

"Trust me Deeks if I wanted you dead, you wouldn't be here right now. Anyways stop being such a baby and I will say it." I whisper again. Deeks sends me a nervous smile which shows me his true feelings right now.

"Sam, Callen, Marty and I are moving in together!" I say finally. I look over at Deeks and see that he is mentally getting ready to be hit, punched, kicked or slapped.

"Ok congratulations" Callen says calmly. I look at Deeks and see that he is confused.

"What?" I hear Marty say to himself. I fight the urge to laugh at the confused expression on his face.

"Yeah congrats. But still, Deeks hurt Kensi and your dead body will never be found." Sam says before going to hug Deeks. I see Deeks flinch ( probably expecting to get hit) but awkwardly returns the hug.

"See I told you that there's nothing to be worried about." I whisper to Deeks when we hear Eric's signature whistle signalising that we have to head to OPS.

"Deeks, Kensi congratulations. I hate to ruin the moment but we have a case."

" Thanks Eric" I say as I return the hug which Eric gave me. I see Deeks tense up a little.

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