Date night

530 13 3

Kensi's POV

I woke up today for the first time before Deeks. I smiled and snuggled into his chest for a short period of time before it decided that I should get up. It was Friday so we had to go to work today but we still had about 2 1/2 hours before we needed to be there. I thought about preparing a breakfast in bed for Deeks and I but the last time that happened, Deeks woke up because of the fire alarm, grab his gun and was already calling Callen in less than a minute. I chuckled slightly as I remembered his face when he saw me holding the pan with a worried smile on my face. He didn't shout though, now that I think about it he wasn't even mad, he just told Callen that I tried cooking again. I guess Callen understood what he meant. After drinking my coffee I went into the bedroom to get a pair of leggings and a sports bra on, my phone , headphones and keys and I was out of the door.
As soon as I plugged my headphones into my phone, the loud techno music (Author's note: I think that the music Kensi listens to, forgive me if I'm wrong) started blaring into my ears. I picked my favourite playlist and started running. I always like running since the only thing I focus on when I run is the music. It really helps me clear my mind. I run to the beach and once I reach it, I stop running and look at the ocean. I lay down on the sand and close my eyes, the waves and the seagulls are the only thing I can hear. I lay like that for a few minutes before I look at the time on my phone. It's 7:30 so Deeks should be awake. I stand up, plug my headphones in and run back home.

When I reach Deeks's and my house, the strong smell of coffee hits my nose. I go in the kitchen, needing a cup of coffee since everyone knows that without coffee and sugar in the morning I can't function. When I reach the kitchen I see Marty cooking something at the stove. I silently tip-toe and go wrap my arms around his torso, snuggling my head into his back. He tenses up a bit but relaxes once he since my hands.

"Morning princess" he spoke gently as he turned around and gave me a peck on my nose. I smile at his gesture.

"Morning my prince"I answer just as gently as him and snuggle into his chest.

"I'm cooking bacon and eggs, so how about you take a shower and get change while I finish cooking. As you can already see I already had a shower and got change. Where were you by the way? It's not the I minded that you were gone, but I did get quite a surprise when you weren't there by then I realised- " he started to ramble again so I cut him off with a kiss. He always does that when I ramble so now it was my turn to get him back. We tried to make the kiss last long but we both knew that we had an hour until we needed to be at work.

"I ran to the beach and stayed there for a little while then started to head back at 7:30. Anyways I need to go and take a shower since we leave in 75 mins." I peck him on the lips then start to run upstairs. However Deeks came after me and slapped my butt but I just gave him a smirk and pointed at the food which was ready. He game me a cheeky smile then went to the food.

I run up the stairs and jumped into the shower. I hummed a random song to myself as I washed my body. After about 5 minutes, I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a white cozy towel. I tried myself before wrapping the towel around me and combing my hair. I started to put my hair in my usual ponytail but I thought that I should change it and let it out. I clipped my hair back with a few pins so it would be out of my face. I did my everyday make-up before stepping out of the bathroom to put some clothes on.   I put on a light blue shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I put on my favourite pair of boots and walk downstairs . I see that Deeks has made an amazing looking breakfast, one that no restaurant could pull of. He placed a glass of orange juice, coffee, bacon, eggs and a bowl of fruit on each plate.

I tip-toe behind him as he sets a plate of bacon and eggs near his space. I put my arms around his waist and snuggle into him, and as soon as he set the plate down he turned around and look into his eyes. I felt like a high-school girl when I looked into his eyes, I couldn't stop from smiling when I saw him.

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