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Kensi's POV:

Deeks and I enter the bullpen bickering about something as usual. Most people would find it annoying that we bicker so much, but to be fair Sam and G bicker way more that Deeks and I do.

"You have a home office." I argue trying to prove my point. I wanted to get a bigger house for Deeks and I to live in. I wasn't saying that his house wasn't big enough, but I really wanted to have a bigger one. However Deeks, he told me that there wasn't a need for us to get a bigger house.

"Yeah you don't need a home office. That would be just another room for you to mess up." Deeks said clearly annoyed that we are talking about this again.

"I'm... Maybe an extra bedroom then, for, like, your mom or something." I said as I placed my bag on my desk.

"That's your argument? A bedroom for my mom?" You could clearly hear how annoyed Deeks was as he said that.

"I'm just saying, if we are on top of eachother all the time, this isn't going to work." I said and went over to the coffee machine.

"That's interesting- I think we do our best work on top of each other" Deeks said and smirked.

"Hey! We are at work, no sex talk," I said as I send him a death glare," You want coffee?" I ask him.

"No, no coffee for me. Besides it doesn't matter. Hetty's not even here, we can talk about sex as much as we want. " Deeks says and walks over to my desk without me noticing.

"What are you talking about? Hetty is everywhere, you know that." I said as I made my coffee.

"Um... So-so you think we need a bigger place?" Deeks said speaking nervously.

"Well, it wouldn't be your place or my place, it would be-" I start speaking as I mix my coffee but Deeks cuts me of.

"Our place." Deeks finishes the sentence." He hold up a magazine and I immediately freeze.

"Is there umm... Something you want to tell me?" He said gently but you could clearly see that he was worried and panicked.

"No. I just saw it and decided to buy it" I smiles at his facial expression as I explained myself.

"Oh. Damn cute baby. And I get it, it's natural instinct. And as the relationship progresses, we..." He starts mumbling something but I couldn't understand him so I decided to finish the sentence for him.

"Right, and you have your Little Brother program." I say as I raise my eyebrow at his shock ness.

"Oh the-the foster-foster. Yeah, no, definitely... can do that too, though. Hang out with a foster kid. You should do that... I mean .... that's a. I mean, obviously it's not as a big commitment as-as this would be." Deeks says struggling to form proper sentences and looking at me with pleading eyes, hopping that I understand what he means. However instead of me stopping his ramble as I usually do, I just stare at him and think about what he says. As soon as he finishes and expects me to answer, I look at the ground avoiding eye contact. Honestly I never thought that we would talk about having kids at work.

"Right." Was the only thing I could get out at this moment.

"Ops, stat. There has been an explosion downtown." Eric says interrupting us. I'm so thankful that he did though because I wasn't ready to have this conversation at work.

"Umm.. " Deeks starts saying but I ignore him, and I walk to OPS. I notice that he placed the magazine in my bag and we walk to OPS ready to be briefed.

At the end of the day

Deeks's POV:

We just finished our latest case and it wasn't a easy one. Some heartless people made children suicide bombs. They took the time to abduct the children from their families, made them think that nobody loved them the put suicide bombs on them. What kind of people are they? I shook my head at the thought then walked over to my desk. I checked out my Little Brother page and I thought about what Sam said. He was right, I will never know how my child will be and what they will like, the only thing I know is that I will love them unconditionally. The thought of having a child brought me back to Kensi and the incident this morning. I always wanted to be a father and I love Kensi but I'm not sure if we are both ready for this right now.

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