I can't loose you

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Kensi's POV:

Everything was black, I tried to move but my whole body was paralyzed. I panicked and tried again but got the same response, I moved my head to the side and realized that there was something on my lower body. It looked like the safe that Deeks and I had to get in our current case, it was heavy and I struggled to lift it but I managed. When I came to my senses I realized that we got into a car accident, a very horrible apparently. I tried to get up and find Deeks but the pain in my lower back had me screaming in pain and I failed miserably. I didn't know what to do and before I knew it I passed out again.

I woke up to the sound of beeping, I tried to open my eyes but the light was blaring in my eyes. After my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw that I was in a hospital. My whole body ached with pain and I groaned loudly.

"Nice to see that you're awake." I heard a voice say and my head immediately turned to the side causing me to groan out loud again. I saw that it was Sam sitting on a chair right next to my hospital bed. I smile weakly, appreciating the fact that he was here by my side. As I look down at my severe bruises and broken leg, memories of the car accident started flooding back.

Flashback ( still Kensi's POV):

I'm driving back to OPS with the safe that Deeks and I stole for our current case. Everything seemed normal, except a car started following us after a red light. I try to believe that it's just a coincidence and the car was just heading to a similar direction but my training tells me otherwise. I take a left and decide to take the long way to OPS, planning to loose the car as I do so.

"What are you doing?" Deek asks me in a confused tone. I send him a 'what do you think I'm doing' look, hopping that it will work but that makes him just even more confused. I sigh and decide to reply using words.

"I thought a car was following us, so to avoid them finding OPS and creating more drama in our life than there already is, I decided to take the long way. Hopefully it was just a coincidence and they aren't really following us." I reply and Deeks nods understanding my method. I look for the car more and let out a sigh out of frustration when I saw that they are still following us and they got even closer than they were before.

"Do you have your seatbelt on Deeks?" I question him raising one eyebrow. He gulps and checks his seatbelt before nodding his head. I take the craziest paths hoping I can catch the car before they catch us. I drive fast , probably breaking some driving rules, and take the way to a street I know like the back of my hand. The street was pretty much deserted which meant that no-one would get hurt if we need need to shoot or fight them. Once I arrive at the street 9 in less than 3 minutes), I quickly stop the car praying that the saw us stoop and they will stop as well. Unfortunately thing don't go as planned, they don't notice that we stopped and crazy directly into us causing me and Deeks to pass out.

End of flashback

Deeks. Where the hell is Deeks? Is ok? Did something happen to him? Million questions ran through my head, all of them concerning my partner and his health and safety. I started pulling at my IV and attempted to seat up but it only resulted me groaning out of pain once more.

"Kensi what on earth are you doing? You jus got out of surgery, there is no way that you are leaving this room any time soon." Sam pushes me back in bed but I ignore him and get straight to the point. I lay down and grab his arm, looking him in the eye.

"Where is Deeks?" I ask with my voice trembling. I start to think of worst case scenario and pray that nothing severe happened to him.

"Sam where is Deeks?" I ask once more since Sam didn't answer me and avoided eye contact. I knew that something was up and I wanted to know immediately.

"Deeks got out of surgery and hour after you. We have been informed that he is stable but he is severely injured since the car came in contact with yours in his side. You can see him in three days when you will be more capable of standing up." Sam says trying to call me down but the pain that I won't see Deeks for three days makes me very mad. I nod and adjust my position so I'm more comfortable and try to fall asleep. That will take my mind of the pain of not seeing Deeks for three whole days. Three days without Marty's gorgeous smile and jokes are going to feel like hell.

Three days later

I woke up today and sighed, I had a dream that I was at home in bed with Deeks and snuggling while watching a movie. That all came to an end when I woke up and realization hit me, Deeks was not here by my side. As I unlocked my phone and looked at the date, I noticed that three days have passed and I can finally see Deeks. Sam and Callen have been updating me about him every 8 hours, yet it didn't assure me that he was well at all. For all I can know, they could be lying to me about Deeks to make me feel better when he actually never woke up. I can only rest peacefully when I have him by my side and I know that he is alright.

"Miss Blye, I am glad that you are awake." The nurse walked in to do my check yo which she does twice a day.

"Miss Blye you are healing brilliantly, I can tell you that you will be out of hospital in no time. Now how about I check if Mr. Deeks is awake so you can visit him?" I nod like a little child and she laughs.

"Thank you for dealing with me the past three days, I know I can get pretty annoying moaning that I can't see Marty all the time." I say with a smile on my face.

"Honestly it's fine, it's actually pretty cute to hear that you both miss each other so much." she laughs a little and I join in. I guess it's pretty lucky since Deeks and I have the same nurse so we can pass little messages to each other through her.

"Anyways Kensi, I have to go and check on Marty so I can tell the doctor that both of you are fine and he can move your bed to his room." she speaks and leaves me with my mouth hanging open.

"What?!" I shout a bit to loud and she laughs at me reaction.

"Thank you! No one told me that we are going to share a room." I say a tiny bit more quitter but still loud.

"Well it took a little convincing with the doctor, but I couldn't bear to see you apart." she smiles and I smile as well. She leaves the room and I continue to check my phone. Without realizing 20 minutes past and my doctor and nurse come in with a wheelchair. The doctor helps me sit on it while my nurses pushes my IV, we go down the call and I can hear Deeks talking to a nurse. My face lights up at the sound of his voice and I'm very eager to see him. However as we enter the room my smile droops, Deeks looks so broken and bruised. He has 4 broken ribs and his face and body is bruised badly. I touch his face and he grabs my arm. I notice that the nurses have left, now there is only me and Deeks in the room.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault." I whisper as a single tear runs down my cheek. Deeks kisses the tear and I smile a little but the smile is quickly replaced by a frown.

"It's not your fault, you never saw it coming. Plus you were trying to protect us and run away from them." He says gently as he strokes my face. I touch his so softly, almost as if I will break him if I touch him too hard.

"I can't loose you Deeks, not now , not ever. I love you so so much that it breaks my heart to see you like this. The thing that breaks my heart even more is knowing that I'm the reason why you are here." I whisper running my fingers over his arm. He pulls me into a kiss and I don't even hesitate before kissing him back. We kiss passionately but then we have to pull away due to the lack of air.

"I can't loose you either Kens, you mean the world to me. I don't know what I will do without you in my life." We kiss again only this time briefly. He helps me stand up and lay next to him on the bed. I am very careful since I don't want to accidently touch once of his broken ribs as we are cuddling. He holds me tight and I hold him just as tight, fearing that if I let go he will be gone forever.

Author's note:

Hi guys!!!! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading it. @TheDancingTree I hope you liked this chapter and I look forward to reading your. Please comment down below your thoughts about this chapter and if you have any ideas for my next one because I don't. Anyways guys see you next time!


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