New life

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Deeks's POV

It's been 6 years and 8 months since I have found out the news. 6 years and 8 months since I found out about the new addition to our growing family. 6 years and 4 months since I found out that I'm going to have a mini Kensi running around this place. 6 years and 4 months since I woke up at 2 am to go to the shop, buy strawberries and chocolate so Kensi can have them. 6 years and 4 moths since I held Kensi's hair as she emptied her stomach at 5 am. 6 years and 4 moths since I held Kensi close to me as I tried to calm her down after she finished vomiting, claiming that she hated this. 6 years since I held Kensi's hand as we welcomed our daughter into the world. 6 years since I had a difficult time to hold my tears in as I saw the beauty Kensi and I created. She is perfect. She has my blonde hair yet she has Kensi's loose curls. She has grey-bluish eyes and a nose that mirrored Kensi's perfectly. Most importantly she had Kensi's big smile, every time I see it I cannot be thankful enough. She suits the name Issabela Rose Deeks perfectly.

"Daddy!!!" I hear a high pitched voice shouting, along with a pair of little feet running coming towards me. I smile widely as I see blonde, grey-bluish eyed girl coming towards me, hugging my legs tightly.

" What's the matter princess?" I struggle to untangle her little arms from my legs, and when I manage to I pull her up so we are face to face.

" Mommy said it's my birthday!" I laugh as she claps her excitedly and kick her little legs.

" It sure is, Belle", I use her nickname causing her to smile wider, she loves Belle from Beauty and the Beast so Kensi and I decided to nickname her Belle since her name is Issabela," How is my birthday princess today? " I kiss her nose causing her to let out a squeal.

" I'm greeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaat." She shouted and kicked her feet signalising that she wants to be put down so I did.

"Good, I'm glad. Uncle Sam and Called are coming today." I quickly close my ears knowing that a loud squeal will leave her mouth.

"YAY!YAY!YAY!YAY!YAY!" she shouted and skipped all of the living room. Issabela really loves Sam and Called and when they come over, she acts as if there is no-one in the world but them.

"Belle come on, sweatheart and get dressed. " I hear Kensi shout from Bella's room and Belle runs to her mother. Most people will say that she is attached to me more than Kensi, but that girl is basically attached to Kensi's hip.

Kensi's POV:

I was in Bella's room looking in her closet, struggling to find something for her to wear. I sighed for the 100th time and ran my hand through my hair as I pulled out another dress yet didn't like it. I didn't want anything too simple yet at the same time I don't want some classy. I was ready to give up and call Deeks so he can find something for her to wear, when I found the perfect dress. It was a knee-length white dress with beautiful blue and pink and purple flowers on it. I sighed out of relief as I realised that it perfectly matched her white sandals. I was never really good at fashion but I did enjoy the challenge in finding the perfect outfit. Needles to say that I enjoyed wearing it even more. I layed her outfit on her bed and put the remaining dress in her wardrobe before calling Isabella upstairs. I giggle to myself as I hear her tiny feet running up the stairs.

"Yes Mommy! What am I wearing?" she asked, she asked as she skipped in the room. She jumped on the bed without noticing that her dress is already laid there.

" Carefull Belle, you don't want to be sitting on your dress." I said as I picked her up and place her on the other side of the bed. However she quickly takes in consideration what I just told her and notices the dress I laid out for her. She jumps up and down at the sight, clapping her hands repeatly.

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