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"What a day for sailing!" Paul shouts above the roar of the boat's noisy engine. "Not a single cloud in the sky!"

"I know! It's brilliant!" you shout back. The wind is blowing your hair in your face, making it difficult to see, but you don't really mind. At least the lads are having a good time.

John is near the bow of the boat, standing as close to the edge as he dares. His arms are spread like wings and he's laughing like a madman.

"I'm flying, Jack! I'm flying!" he yells in a silly, high-pitched girl voice, reenacting that scene from Titanic.

(Don't ask how John knows about the film Titanic in the year 1965, decades before its release. It's irrelevant information... and he just knows, okay? On with the story...)

Ringo is hunched up on a bench with a bucket on his lap. He looks awfully pale with a greenish tinge to his cheeks. The poor fella is obviously feeling seasick. You can't help but feel sorry for him.

George is far from seasick. He's standing behind the boat's abandoned bar counter, pretending to make martinis and other drinks with great gusto. He pauses occasionally to take bite out of his ginormous submarine sandwich.

As for you and Paul, you're standing together near the hull, hand in hand, watching the stream of foam that appears on the top of the water as you pass through it. It's extremely peaceful... not to mention a little bit romantic.

Everything is perfect so far.

Or so you thought.

About half an hour later, the bright blue sky begins to darken. Very soon, thunderclouds roll in and completely blot out the sun. The waves become rougher and more violently, tossing the boat around like a leaf in a gale. You cling to Paul, beginning to panic. He's panicking too. Everyone is freaking out!

You glance around, looking desperately for the captain, but he's now here to be seen.

"He must have jumped ship," you think. "And the other crew members, too!"

The storm is becoming more and lore aggressive. It's absolute chaos on deck. You need to do something.

If you decide to stay on the boat and search for the captain and crew, go to Two.

If you decide to take action and get the group in a lifeboat, go to Three.

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