Part 45: Request #40

Start from the beginning

"Brett," Scott growled, cautiously nearing the werewolf that has its form stopped at mid-shift. Although Brett was in Satomi's pack, he grew to be also somewhat a part of the McCall pack because of you. That's why with what Brett was going through right now, Satomi knew that Scott was the best between the two of them to handle him and knock some sense back into the werewolf.

"Scott, I don't think that's a good-" Liam never got to finish whatever he was saying to the Alpha because Brett already attacked, lunging at Scott and trying to get a swipe at him. To others, Brett's eyes seemed like the normal yellow glowing pair-but to those who knew him well enough knew that it wasn't the same glowing ones, but rather a more clouded pale color. Scott could only see the pain in Brett's eyes while he dodged the attacks thrown at him, Liam already pulling the said werewolf away from his Alpha trying to floor the werewolf out of control seeing that it was the only option to make him shift back to his human self.

"Guys, I got the chains!" Stiles voice suddenly sounded in the basement as the door opened, revealing him with the chains clanking in his hands and Lydia behind him with a worried look.

Liam immediately ran up the stairs and took the chains from Stiles' hands and shoved them out of the doorway before closing the door and quickly running down the steps to help Scott in keeping Brett at bay and not let him lash out at anyone else nor get out of the basement and wreak havoc outside of the confined space.

Liam immediately ran up the stairs and took the chains from Stiles' hands and shoved them out of the doorway before closing the door and quickly running down the steps to help Scott in keeping Brett at bay and not let him lash out at anyone else n...

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Brett was already seated on one of the benches for the players, making small adjustments to his lacrosse gear while waiting for the game to start. His heart still thudded painfully in his chest as the memory kept repeating in his head, his own conscience eating at him at how stupid he was that he failed to protect you. The heavy feeling on his shoulders never left ever since you left the world; and even though people around him always told him that they were there for support-that he can talk to them whenever they needed, he only kept silent, the only things making noise in him was the screams he heard from your lips right before you were killed.

Brett couldn't move for a second as he watched the sword pierced your back, the tip going right through your chest-surely stabbing your heart in the process-before it retreated and created a sliced hole in your chest

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Brett couldn't move for a second as he watched the sword pierced your back, the tip going right through your chest-surely stabbing your heart in the process-before it retreated and created a sliced hole in your chest.

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