Sing it to me

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Jungkook sent Katrina straight to the bathroom when they got back to get dry while he was left standing in front of his leader.

Namjoon's hair stuck up in the back from being pulled out of bed. The rest of the members slowly started to join them, all half asleep.

"Why are you all wet?" Jin ran up to him, looking around for something to put around the younger boy's shoulders.

Jungkook brushed him off. "I know how Haywood knew we were working with Titania."

The six boys fell silent. Namjoon took a step forward, looking hard at Jungkook. "Fill us in then."

Jungkook took in a deep breath. "I overheard Haywood talking to Mel. It was her, she was the one who told him."

"Mel?" Yoongi gasped.

"She must have overheard us talking about him at one point and found out how to contact him. She made a deal with him that if she told him, he would leave me alone, but I heard her say that she doesn't care about anyone else." Jungkook clenched down hard on his teeth as he felt the sudden need to break something.

It was quiet as they all looked at him, their eyes growing soft. Jin opened his mouth, probably about to give sympathy, but Jungkook really didn't want to hear it.

"They are going to try and make the girls leave so they don't put us in danger. They are going to stay here though, right?" Jungkook said, looking right at Namjoon.

Namjoon let out a slow sigh. "I will talk to Alya."

"Okay." Jungkook nodded. He didn't want them to leave. Not now. "I am really tried, I want to go sleep." He said before anyone else could do anything.


I was ringing out my hair when I walked into my room. I could hear Alya and Presley talking with Namjoon and Yoongi down the hall, so when I saw someone sitting on my bed I almost tripped over my own feet.

"You took forever." Jungkook muttered.

"Gosh you scared me." I closed the door behind me, tossing the towel on the bed. "What are you doing here anyway? You look tired, go to sleep."

"I don't want to." He pouted.

"Well I do so mope in your room." I stretched my arm behind my head.

"No." He mumbled, laying back on the bed.

I let out an irritated sigh, moving to the opposite side of the bed. "What is pouting on my bed going to do for you?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the mattress.

"I just need a distraction of some sort so I don't go out and shoot her myself." His voice was muffled by the pillow.

"And what do you expect me to do?"

"I don't know." Jungkook wined, turning on his side to face me. "Everyone else is either asleep or busy." He propped his head up by leaning on his elbow. "Please?"

"Ugh." I shut my eyes, rubbing my hand lightly over my face. "Okay, but I still don't know what I am supposed to do."

"Read me a story, or sing something."

I bit down on my lower lip as something popped into my mind. "Well, there is this story that I used to read to the younger kids at the foster homes. Well, sang to them really. It was one of those children books."

Jungkook smiled lightly up at me. "I wish I would have known being depressed would get you to sing."

"On second thought," I moved to stand up.

"Sorry sorry sorry!" Jungkook grabbed my arm, pulling me back down. "Sing it to me please. I won't say one word throughout the whole thing I promise."

I rolled my eyes as I leaned on the head of the bed, not bothering to pull my arm away from Jungkook's grip still hanging on. I closed my eyes for a second, remembering the tune and the words.

Way out in the Desert by Jennifer Ward and T.J Marsh was a book I remember one girl always read to me at my first foster home. I was very young, young enough to still cry before bed. She would sing it and I would fall right asleep.

It was a song about different animal mothers and their children, slowly throughout the book counting up to 10.

"Way out in the desert having fun in the sun, lived a mother horned toad and her little toady one. "Scurry" said the mother. "I scurry!" said the one, so they scurried all morning having fun in the sun."

It went all the way to ten with different animals. The tune carried a soothing pattern and light vocal range. By the time I got to ten, even my eyes were drifting off.

I was so engulfed in the story that I only now realized that Jungkook's hands had moved. His arms were now draped around my waist, his head resting on my thigh. His breathing was steady, indicating he was asleep.

I awkwardly held my arms in the air, trying not to touch him while analyzing any way I could get out of this without waking him up. He was holding on pretty tight for being asleep.

I wasn't going to get him off any time soon, plus my leg was falling asleep.

I slowly moved down so my head rested on the pillow below me. He adjusted as I moved. His head slid up to my stomach, his arms still around my waist. I rested my hands behind my head, looking down at his sleeping form. He looked even younger in his sleep, if that was possible.

My eyes started to grow tired as I watched him sleep. It wouldn't hurt to leave him alone until Alya or Presley came back in. I'll just close my eyes until then.

Poor Kookie :( He's fine. Has anyone ever read way out in the desert? My mom used to all the time but she sang the tune different then to what it really was. I love that book, expect for the spider one....

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