Let's Captain America this bitch

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I could tell Natty was slowly approaching me from behind. I stood, leaning on the kitchen counter spinning my phone back and forth. I let her come to me without saying anything.

She cleared her throat lightly. "Katrina?"

I looked at her, resting my chin in my hand. "What's up?"

"Thank you for everything you have done for me. For me and the boys."

I smiled at that. "I had no idea you were Jimin's sister when I first helped you, you know that right?"

She narrowed her eyes. "You didn't even know I was connected to them?"

I shook my head. "Nope. I didn't know that asshole was part of a gang either."

She looked unbelievably confused. "So why did you help me then? If you didn't know it was going to help you at all?"

I was kinda offended she thought I rolled that way. "I would have helped you regardless of who you were. I would have stepped in even if I couldn't do what I can."

She looked at me with wide eyes. "I wish I was strong like you." She said under her breath.

She was only about a year younger then me, but when she pouted like this, she looked like a little kid.

"Don't you remember you stepped in front of the gun before you knew who I was? You saw me kick him in the face, and yet you still stepped in front of me. You are strong."

"I just wish I could stand up for myself better, then I wouldn't be getting in everyone's way." She sighed.

I don't know why I felt for this girl, or why I was trying my best to make her feel better, it was just something about her.

"I could teach you a few things if you want." I leaned in. "Just the basics, nothing super hard, but enough to knock Jimin on his ass."

Her face brightened at that. "Are you serious?"

"Oh yeah." I leaned back. "Your brother might be strong, but he has got some serious weak points."

"I heard that!" Jimin yelled from the other room.

Natty bit down on her lip as she grinned. "Deal." She stuck her hand out for me to shake.

I took it as I started to smile myself. I could hear Jimin's footsteps now, glaring at the two of us when he walked in.

"What are you talking about?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Different ways to knock you on your ass." I gave him a smug look and Natty snorted out a laugh.

"Stop being a bad influence on my sister." He pointed, grabbing Natty's hand and pulling her towards him.

"She hangs around you guys all day and I'm the bad influence?" I muttered.

Jimin sucked in a deep breath, ready to give me a long lecture i'm sure, but Alya's voice rang through the room.

"Why is this red?"

Jimin narrowed his eyebrows as he turned to go look at what she was talking about. I followed him out and found Namjoon already standing with her at the computer.

"Is that one of the outside guys sending out an SOS?" Hoseok asked.

"But that signal only comes from one of us." Yoongi looked closely at the screen. "And we are all here, so it must be coming from Jungkook."

"He is still close to here. He should have made it to Mel's house by now." Taehyung's voice flooded with worry.

"Maybe they stopped to make out for 30 minutes." I said only loud enough for Natty to hear. She pursed her lips, trying not to smile.

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