XI the unexpected

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//this picture was literally all i kept thinking about while writing this chapter idek 

"Are we doing something tonight?" I asked Wonwoo, who was leaning against the locker next to mine. It was kind of a routine for us to hang out on Tuesdays after Biology, because I desperately needed his help to get the homework done (biology in Korean was definitely not my thing) and we were usually very hungry after school.

"I can't today," he said and looked genuinely apologetic. Everything about Wonwoo was always genuine; it was in his eyes. "One of my old friends is coming to town and we're meeting up."
"Oh, okay," I said, slightly disappointed, and closed the door of my locker. We started to walk towards the Biology classroom together and barely made it before the bell rung.

Usually we talked about stuff while doing our work, but this time Wonwoo wasn't very talkative. He seemed quite anxious, tapping his foot and looking around the room. I thought about saying something, but didn't; it wasn't really my business. Maybe he was just nervous about meeting up with his friend. I had a ton of stuff to do anyways, the teacher was drawing multiple things we needed to copy and I needed to concentrate (I wasn't a very good drawer). For a few times I glanced at his face, and once we locked eyes I smiled at him. He smiled back, but it didn't really reach his eyes.

I was walking behind Joshua and Alex in a vaguely familiar part of the city. They were heading out to eat and I joined them, even though I knew I would be the lonely third wheel. It was something to do though, and it definitely beat the homework. The two lovebirds were bickering about which place they should choose, but it was more of a background noise while I looked around. There were a few buildings I recognised, which made me a bit more comfortable (I had made some progress with my knowledge of the city). Now if I wanted to leave I could do so without anyone helping me. Probably.

"Jess, how come you're available on a Tuesday?" Alex asked while taking a bite of the food that we had just got. "Aren't they usually dedicated to Wonwoo?"
"He said he had other plans," I answered and shrugged my shoulders. "Something about an old friend coming back to town."
Joshua started to cough violently right after the words left my mouth and Alex tried her best to help him breathe again. After the grains of rice that started the reaction were safely no where near his windpipe he looked at me kind of worried. Like he knew something I didn't.

"Everything okay, Joshua?" I asked a bit confused. He nodded quickly, but it didn't assure me. Joshua was always so well composed and chill it was suspicious seeing him startled. I didn't push the matter any further, though, and we all finished eating. Alex and Joshua were showing no signs of leaving (if leaving me uncomfortable with their love didn't count), when I on the other hand was getting kind of bored. I waited for a while, as I didn't want to be rude (although it wasn't like they were really acknowledging me), but after another five minutes went by with me just refreshing my Instagram feed I decided I should head out. It's not like they really needed me there anyway.

"Hey, guys," I said to try and break the trance they were both in. "If you don't mind I'll head out and go for a walk or something?"
"Yeah, sure," Alex said and gave me a sorry-I'll-talk-to-you-later -smile before I left money for the food and waved them goodbye. "See you later."

I walked out of the restaurant and was faced with a rainy view. Although I didn't have an umbrella and my clothes were definitely not waterproof it felt stupid to turn back then. I started walking to the direction of the dorms, but as the wind and rain got slightly heavier I thought it would be better to find a store to go into and wait for it to calm down. While looking around to find a place I saw a familiar store: the record store I went to a while back.

"Hansol works there" I thought to myself before mentally slapping myself. "That shouldn't affect me."

"Just be cool about it, it doesn't even matter."

"Maybe he isn't even there. Gosh, Jess, why would you even care?"

Before I knew it I was already opening the door and getting inside the warm, dry store. The store seemed empty to my relief, and I walked around the shelves to see if there was anything interesting. When my eyes landed on the new Drake album I automatically let a "ooh" slip past my lips. I had of course already listened to it, we were living the smart phone era for god's sake, but I just had a fixation about buying the physical versions too. It was more of just a collection at that point instead of me actually listening to the tracks from the cd, but it felt good to collect something and to have at least something left if all the technology bailed on me.
"That's a great album," a voice I would probably never forget said from behind me, scaring me to death.
"Jeez, I almost had a heart attack!" I exclaimed annoyed while holding my chest. "Why is it that almost everytime I see you you just appear out of nowhere and scare me to death?"
"You've gotta keep things interesting," Hansol replied while a smirk lingered on his lips. I gave out a sarcastic laugh and continued viewing the cover, although I didn't actually register anything. The boy standing next to me kept me on edge, and I ended up reading the same song title three times before understanding what it said.
"What's your favourite song on this?" I asked, not really knowing why I did, while nodding my head towards the package.
"With You," he replied after a few seconds of him looking at me to see if I was kidding. "I really like Partynextdoor."

"Seriously?" I asked a bit too excited for my own liking if I would've given it a thought, but I didn't really feel like thinking right then. "That's my favourite, too."
"You have good taste, then," he said and flashed me a grin. "Have you ever heard if dvsn?"
"I know they feature on one of the tracks but I haven't gotten any deeper than that," I answered, not even finding it hard to fulfill the promise I made to Alex about being nice.
"If you like Partynextdoor and Drake I'm pretty sure you'd like them too," he said and picked out a purple album of the shelf. "They only have this one out but the songs are great. In and Out is just so good."
"Okay, I'll check it out," I said and wrote the name down on my phone so I wouldn't forget it. It felt so weird to be having a normal conversation with him, but it didn't feel bad at all.

"Oh it's already that late," Hansol said surprised when he took out his phone. "We'll be closing soon, so you might want to head out."
"Oh yeah, sure," I said and headed towards the cash register behind him.
"Thanks," I said after he passed me the album, and I smiled at him. He smiled back, and it felt genuine. Oddly warm.

I was soon back on the street, and the rain had calmed down to a soft drizzle. I held my denim jacket closer to my body and started walking towards the nearest bus station. There were a few grocery stores located on the road I was walking, and as I walked past one I took a look at the few people outside of it, as it had a shelter around its entrance. My eyes glanced over the non-familiar faces, but quickly took a second glance at a familiar head of black hair. It was Wonwoo.

And he was kissing another girl.

// A.N

hi! i'm sorry I missed last week's update, but I was on a family vacation and didn't have time to write.

i know i left this chapter at a cliffhanger but stay tuned for next weeeek guys ;)

ps follow me in places:

tumblr: vvlicious (fangirling, writing, more hansol and all the other babes)
OR worldofjesy (my personal aesthetics and very pretty stuff)

ig: jesy.b

vine: taesy (lots of hansol, taehyung, rocky etcetc just overall babes man)

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