X overflow

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Hansol said various different hellos to the people around the table, mine being a short grin he quickly settled into a smirk. I was in slight shock due to his sudden appearance in front of me, although I'd always known he was a friend of almost all of my friends. Lately he'd just been spending so much time in my head it was kind of funny to see him there as an actual breathing, real person.

"Move over, Boo" he said to Seungkwan, who was currently sitting opposite from me (me, Wonwoo and Alex were sitting on the other side, where as Joshua was sitting next to Seungkwan). Seungkwan muttered something along the lines of "disrespecful" and "is this how you treat me now", but did in fact move towards Joshua to create space for Hansol. Hansol plopped down onto the seat right across from me and gave me another half-smirk from behind the menu he was reading. He glanced at me for another few times, which made me feel very exposed and bothered, although in some twisted way I found it nice. Probably the first time I associated that term with him, but it was usual for him to always somehow mess with my head.

"I'm so hungry," Hansol said put the menu down. "Thanks for inviting me, by the way."
His eyes were clearly aimed at Alex, who in turn was avoiding mine. Oh no she didn't .
"Hey, Alex, could you come with me to the bathroom?" I said, already standing up and walking towards the direction I thought the bathrooms were in.
"Hey, lost girl, the bathrooms are that way," Hansol said and pointed towards the doors I was currently facing with my back. Without a word (and without most of my pride) I turned on my heels and walked the other way. I heard Alex walking behind me and didn't stop until I was safely inside the women's bathroom.

"You invited him?" I asked. I was confused, but irritated was the more dominant emotion. "Why? You know I don't exactly want to hang out with him."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," Alex said and rolled her eyes. "I invited him, because I want you to know all of your options before you decide you don't have any. I...I'm a bit worried that you might think Wonwoo is the person you should be with just because he is the safer choice and it's obvious he likes you. I know you, Jess."
"Hansol isn't an option," I said and shook my head. "He's an annoying distraction."
"When you're with him, there's something there. I can see it in you," Alex said, almost in a whisper. "Besides, I feel like you've been too hard on the poor guy. Just let it be, be nice to the boy, it's not like I'm making you date the guy. I just don't want you to make judgements too quick."
She did have a point, I had to admit.
"Ugh. Okay, okay. Fine," I said, defeated. I knew she was right, and I felt a little quilty. "I'll be nice."

But Hansol wasn't an option. No, Hansol was everything but an option.


While me and Alex were gone, the others had already ordered and were talking amongst themselves. Wonwoo flashed me a warm smile when he saw me coming back and told me about the food he ordered for us, but his words didn't really stay in my head. I thanked him nevertheless and hugged him sideways quick and tight, because I needed something to squeeze. It felt like someone was watching me, so I turned my head towards the opposite side of the table to catch a glimpse of Hansol's eyes before he quickly turned them away. He wasn't smiling anymore.

The food came and we started to grill the meat, while we chatted about school and people there. Mingyu and his many, many entertaining acts came up a few times, as they were quite common and most of the time very funny stories (I personally liked to hear about his interactions with teachers, because he had the most hilarious comebacks. Such a savage). Once the meat started to look done, I took a piece and put it into Wonwoo's mouth and he acted out a very over-the-top reaction and I laughed. Seungkwan cringed so hard he hit Hansol's arm and they had a very weird slap-off which resulted in very red handprints and apologetic bro-hugs. Everyone ate in peace for a while then (if it was possible through the gag reflex Alex's and Joshua's cuteness overload ignited. They we so couple-y it was kinda gross.), before all the food was gone into the bottomless stomachs of all of us sitting around the table. Everyone threw different methods of paying onto the table and we gathered all the money we needed to pay for the food, which was a harder task than expected for six teenagers with calculators.

"Where to next?" I asked when we were standing outside the restaurant.

"I'm really craving ice cream," Alex said and all the others nodded their heads in approval.
"There's a place somewhere around here," Wonwoo said and took out his phone. "Yep, this way."

We were soon in front of a small café with a huge window and black and white interior. Once I saw the ice cream selection I got so excited: I loved ice cream so much, I could eat it for days and never get bored. And these ones were beautiful, decorated with different types of candies and all a different colour. I ordered banana and chocolate ice cream, and made all of the others laugh with my blissful expression, but I didn't even care. It was so good. Hansol ordered the same flavour, so I gave him points for that: at least he had good taste. We ate our ice cream while talking about how good they were and force-feeding each other our own flavour. Good times.

"Oh shit, it's already that late," Hansol said after he looked at the clock on the wall and stuffed his face with the ice cream extra fast. "I promised I'd take Sofia to the movies."
"Have fun," Seungkwan said waved him off when he walked out of the door.

Sofia? Possibly a girlfriend (ha, take that, Alex), I thought; that suited the idea of him I had in my mind.

"Who's Sofia?" I asked like it was nothing and put a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.
"His little sister," Joshua answered. "They're pretty close."
"Oh, okay," I said, a little taken aback by this new information. Hansol didn't strike me as the type to hang out with his little sister by choice. But what did I actually even know about him? It hurt a bit to admit it, but Alex might've been right: I maybe had been too quick to judge him.

// a.n: hi!! hope you enjoy this chapter, lovelies. i'm slowly getting into the real goodygood stuff so stay tuned ;)

ps follow me in places:

tumblr: vvlicious (fangirling, writing, more hansol and all the other babes)
OR worldofjesy (my personal aesthetics and stuff very pretty stuff

ig: jesy.b

vine: taesy (lots of hansol, taehyung, rocky etcetc just overall babes man)

lost and found || hvcOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora