chapter nine // fallen angel

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"When do you think he will wake up?" 


"I honestly have no idea. Just that the surgery was a success and for right now he is resting. We want what's best for his health, Mrs. Malik."


"Yes, I. . . I understand."


A switch sounded from behind the pair talking, a man standing in the doorway. The light flowed from behind him, causing his features to be blacked out. 

"Nurse Payne?" 

Liam turned around, his hand still rubbing against Mrs. Malik, who looked onto her son who lay unconscious in the hospital bed. Tubes and wires strapped to his arms and chest, heeart monitor beeping steadily from the monitor which stood next to the bed. 


The man at the door was Doctor Tosh, head Doctor of Bradford Hospital. 

"We need you to come check out something real fast. Let's give this women some space, shall we?" 

Liam looked from Tosh to Mrs. Malik. He knew he was needed elsewhere, but he couldn't bare to leave the boy behind. He knew what was in the boy's system. He knew that it wasn't human. That this boy could disappear at any minute. That he could wake up. That he could change. 

He just needed to know who did it. And why. 

But for now, Liam couldn't blow that cover. Instead of protesting, he lifted his hand from Mrs. Malik's shoulder, gave one last glance at the diseased human boy in the hospital bed, and walked out the door.


"Oh, yeah, honey please just listen to me, yeah? You don't need to listen to her, she's old business. You need to find someone else, alright?" 

The woman at the front desk sat in her swivel chair, spinning the cord of the phone between her fingers, twisting it around her wrist and knuckles and unwinding them again.

"Maybe we should--" she started, only to be cut off as the two set of unwinding doors opened. She paused mid-sentence, her sitting up slightly straighter in her desk. Surprised she saw a hooded figure walk in, the doors cutting of the cool night air that creeped into the warm lobby. 

"Pearl, I need to call you back. . ." She finished, slamming the phone back at the receiver before her friend could reply. The hooded figure walked slowly, but intently, toward the front desk. The woman at the desk watched on, the panic in her stomach slowly starting to rise as the unknown hooded figure got closer and closer to the desk. The woman gave out a sharp yelp as the hooded figure stopped abruptly. They tilted their head, face still hidden as it was cast downward. 

Then the figure turned their head to the left, looking down the hallway. The woman watched on as the hooded figure remained still, her frozen in place, breath still inside her lungs like icy pin pricks. She didn't dare say anything to break the silence. In fear of what might happen to her. 

And then in the blink of an eye--the hooded figure was gone. The woman not knowing if the person was real or just a figment of her imagination .

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