chapter seven // overnight

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   He didn't know why or how, but here he was. Sitting in the middle of a room, no windows or anything on the walls. Just a metal chair in which he sat in, in front of him a matching metal table that his elbows rested on, his head in his hands as he stared opened eyed at the table. He didn't know how long he had been in this room, but he did know that it was sunrise. Luckily the room was solid, cutting off any outside forces or interactions from getting in.

   He ran his hands through his hair, leaning his forehead down till it touched the table. You would think that he would flinch at the cold metal, but in truth he didn't, for he could not feel the coldness of anything.

   How did they find him? Why didn't he find a way to get away? Was Zayn OK?

  He gave out a pathetic whimper, curling his hands into fists as he pulled his beanie back on top of his head. It was silent. . . until he heard footsteps and a heartbeat that was growing louder with every closer step. Niall pushed himself up, his arms weak as the door on the wall in front of him opened. Officer Styles walked in, papers and folders stacked on top of each other in his hands. He shut the door behind him, a buzzer going off signaling that it was now locked.

  "Hello Mr. Horan." Styles replied, his voice mocking. He sat down in the chair on the opposite side of the table, putting the folders in front of him. Following suit he put his arms crossed on the table as well as Niall. Niall looked up, dark bags under his eyes as his face looked paler then normal. Styles cringed, opening a folder in front of him and grabbing a pen, as if he was ready to write something down. "I was just about to ask how you slept, but I can see that you look like you haven't."

  Niall wanted to punch him, wanting to cave his face in, but he couldn't. This was a cop. And he was in a Police Station. He knew that the cops where probably looking for his parents, and soon enough they would try to find Niall. After all he hadn't shown up to school in 2 and a half weeks. Niall didn't respond, instead looking down at his hands.

  Styles huffed, "Well, looks like you aren't the talker either. But you're gonna have to talk, I have some questions to ask you."

  Niall didn't respond, his head still bowed down, beanie covering his ears.

  Zayn's Beanie.

  Niall felt his gut twist, causing him to quickly wrap one arm around himself as his insides started to turn. His head fell forward some, his eyes squeezing shut.

  "You alright mate?" Officer Styles asked, his voice now surprisingly more worried then mocking. Maybe this bastard did have a heart after all.

  The urge in his gut subsided some, his arm loosening and coming back up and resting on the table. Niall still wasn't looking up, his head bowed down, concealing his face.

  Where was Zayn? Was he OK? How would he know where Niall was? He promised him that he would be back before sunrise, and now, well it was well past sunrise.

  'Would you like some water? Something to eat? Where gonna be here for a while."

  Niall stopped dead. All of a sudden he was aware of everything that was going on. A mouse scurrying in the walls a few rooms down, dust particles floating through the air through the vents in the roof. But over everything else, the sound of a heartbeat and the smell of something amazing.

  It didn't take a genius to figure out the source of it was Officer Styles.

  Niall didn't hint it, but on the inside he was freaking out. The urge in his gut telling him to lunge, eat, feed, attack. But he couldn't, he couldn't expose himself. Plus he was pretty sure that the whole vampire thing wouldn't go smoothly with the cops.

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