chapter eight // the end of all things

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  "What's going on with this one?"

  "Critical condition, internal bleeding signs. His mother said that he was sick with the flu since last night, he threw up blood less then 30 minutes ago, his mother called after she said he blacked out."

  "We have to prepare him for surgery, his temperature is dropping rapidly. Get Veronica to set up a station."

  "What about a room for afterwards?"

  "Yes, that is if. . . if he survives the surgery."


  Niall tapped his hands on the metal table, the sound echoing around the small confrontation room. He had no idea how long he had been locked in the room, but he knew that it was now night time. His internal clock switching somewhere off deep in his nervous system, telling him that the sun had just gone down.

Overnight. He had to stay here overnight.

The hunger was still there, it nagging at his gut and his mind, coaxing him to feed, feed, feed. But he wouldn't give in, he wouldn't.

He sighed, frustrated. He stopped tapping, him looking up and around the empty room. Looking up he studied the walls. They were an ugly beige-yellow like color, at first glance you would think it was paint, but due to his enhanced vision he could see the chipping of it at the corners where the walls met. It peeling back to show that it was wallpaper, showing the white drywall underneath.

A heartbeat filled Niall's ears, causing his eyes to snap at the metal door in front of him. He clenched his hands, his eyes glued on the small bullet-proof glass window that was cut into the center of the steel door. Footsteps echoed down the tiled hallway on the other side of the door. Niall expected them to come in, that was until a mobile phone ringing erupted in his ears. He flinched, his hands coming up to cover his ears as the high pitched ring went straight to his hearing that was in overdrive due to lack of feeding. The footsteps halted, the ringing stopping as a simple hello was issued.

"Officer Styles?


Niall closed his eyes, focusing on the phone call. This was the first phone call that Styles had gotten since Niall arrived the night before, it must have been an important.

"We have been to the Malik house like you instructed. But we have run into some complications."

Niall froze, his eyes flying open as he looked at the door.

"What complications?" Styles asked.

"Turns out that Zayn Malik is critically ill. He was found in his bedroom throwing up blood before blacking out. Currently he is in surgery for internal bleeding in his central organs."

Everything seemed to stop. A faint buzzing noise whispering in Niall's ears as he stared straight ahead of him. He's eyes weren't focused, them staring blankly in front of him. He didn't even realize someone opening the door and entering the room, them putting their cell phone in their back pocket of their jeans.

"Horan, are you alright?" Styles asked, him stopping in his tracks as he entered the room. Niall didn't speak, him still in shock at the news. Zayn. His Zayn, was in the hospital.

"Horan, I need to ask you a few more questions--" Styles started, him outstretching his arm to shake Niall's shoulder across the metal desk in between them.

Then, all of a sudden, something inside of him snapped. His eyes focused, sharp enough for him able to see dust particles floating in the room. His hearing enhanced for him able to hear two heartbeats thumping somewhere off in the distance. Styles barely touched Niall's shoulder before he was thrown across the room.

Abandoned & Found ≫ [Ziall/Vampire] (AU) ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon