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*Clary Herondale*

"But - sure, I heard about kids disappearing," Cece said.

Simon's eyebrows shot up. "They have a choice -"

"No, I know." Cece said.

"Then what do you mean about kids disappearing?" Alec asked, frowning.

"High school students from districts around here have been vanishing." Cecily said, leaning into my side, I put my arm around her. "It's been going on for the past couple years. Lily and Charles never said anything?"

"No, they haven't." Jace said, sharing a concerned look with me over the top of our daughter's head. "Do the kids turn up?"

"Bodies turn up but they're all mutilated beyond recognition." Cece cringed. "One or twice a year, and the police think that they're victims from previous years. It's pretty sick, it's always on the news."

Magnus looked deep in thought and there was silence before "Cecily, you read Lady Midnight, correct?" Cece nodded, confused. "I assume you were aware of what Malcolm did. Is it like that?"

Cecily seemed taken aback. "What? No! It's not like that, really. No carvings just bullet holes and butcher knives, or that's what they say on the news, anyway. And they're never in back allies or anything. Just out in the open. The news is always saying that a white van will go streaking through some heavily populated neighborhood and kick a body out. No license."

Alec looked between Jace and I. "I can look into it, if you want."

Jace didn't answer, but I did. "You'd think that the Clave would have looked into it if it was anything -"

"Trust me when I say that the Clave has missed things before," Alec interrupted. Cecily look surprised, but didn't say anything. I just nodded. "I'll look into it."

"Thank you," Jace breathed. Cecily looked up at him, but didn't question it.

Two hours later (much later than any of us really planned) we were on the back porch, all dressed. Everyone but Jace, Cecily and I had overnight bags in their hands and were all meandering, reluctant to say goodbye just yet. Out of the corner of my eye, I could watch Izzy and Cece talk and laugh about something that I couldn't hear as Jace kept one hand firmly planted on her shoulder while he, Alec and Magnus were deep in conversation.

"Clary!" Simon said loudly, clapping in my face. I jumped, fully facing him, my Mom and Luke.

"Sorry," I shrugged.

"You're never going to stop looking over your shoulder for her." Simon stated.

"No," I smiled slightly.

"And what happens when she wants to go out and fight demons?" Mom said with a slight smile.

I snorted, "I'd be a hypocrite if I stopped her but I have a feeling that Jace doesn't plan on letting her out of his sight from now on."

"That may be the only reason why I like him so much," Mom mused. Simon snorted in agreement.

"He's a good man," Luke said in Jace's defense, I gave him an appreciative look.

"Sure he is, but that's his best quality. His over-protectiveness." Mom told us, but she was watching Cece like I was before. She was laughing at something Maryse had said. "She'll be fine, though."

"I know." I said, facing them.

"Simon said that Cece mentioned bodies -" Luke started lowly.

"Alec's going to look into it." I interrupted. "She said it's been in surrounding districts, no one she knows." Luke nodded and let the subject drop.

"They're going to put the wards up soon if we don't get going," I heard Maryse sigh.

And as if on cue, I walked over to the side of the brick house, pausing only to glance back to see that everyone was following me. Taking out my stele, I drew the rune; Portal. It was a rune I've used countless times. I held it open and stepped aside, seeing Cece's jaw so slack as the Portal glowed.

"Pretty cool, right?" Jace teased her, pulling her into his side.

"Way cool," Cece corrected, composing herself.

It took five minutes for us all to say goodbye. Alec and Jace clasped hands before Alec one-arm hugged Cece but not before Magnus pulled her aside to tell her something while he crushed her in a hug that she wasn't expecting. Maryse and Isabelle skipped Jace all together and just went straight for Cece, making her promise them each something before they let her out of their hugs. Simon said something to Jace and hugged Cece at the same time. Mom and Luke hung back by me for a few minutes before heading over to Jace and Cece to say their goodbyes.

"Bye, Biscuit," Magnus said, side hugging me as I held open the Portal. "Take care."

"Thanks so much for coming," I smiled, hugging back and catching Alec in a hug too.

"Of course," Alec shrugged, kissing my cheek. "Thanks for keeping us around, Clary," He teased. I rolled my eyes and moved farther aside as they stepped through. Next was Maryse and we shared a kiss on the cheek each and a hug before she followed after Alec and Magnus.

"We're so late," Luke said after my Mom as she smoothed my hair back like I was a little girl again. But then I caught Luke in a hug as Mom jogged back to give Cece one more. "She'll be fine, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, so I'm told." I waved it away. "You're heading back to the Academy today?"

"Yes, for summer sessions. Maybe you should have Cece come in before school just so she get a feel for it?"

"I think we might." I agreed. And after Luke had to drag Mom off, Izzy and Simon found themselves in an intense conversation with Jace about some meeting that everyone over eighteen will be attending next month.

"It'll cool off after this next Ascension," Simon was saying. "I heard that they'll be kind of 'shutting down' after this; fewer Recruiters and less candidates. I think they'll just be taking a vote to see if we should stop it all together or what."

"It's been almost fifteen years," Izzy shrugged. "I think that they should have spread it out."

"Agreed," Jace said. "And stopping all together? We're still dangerously low."

Simon shrugged helplessly. "Some people are afraid that the Clave is going to try to go all 'Valentine' on us and take over the Downworlders. The Representatives are a little weary about it."

"Are you guys staying?" I called. "Can I close it?"

"No, we'll be right there!" Izzy called back.

I rolled my eyes and waited a few more minutes for them to be done with their conversation. Saying goodbye was just as tough as it always is with Simon; the tearing pain in my chest as we split ways and the parabatai rune on the side of my right arm burning made me wice as they stepped through the Portal and I could tell by the way he glanced back that it was uncomfortable for him, too.

I closed the Portal and turned back to Cece who was grinning. "What?" I asked, feeling my face split in similar way.

"That was awesome, Mom."

My smile widened.

Herondales, Man (Jace and Clary's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now