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*Jace Herondale*

"So that's what a high-school mundane party is like." Magnus mused.

"That's what a high-school party is like when there are adults present." Cecily corrected. "Usually there's drugs and alcohol and it's slightly terrifying."

"And you would know because..." Clary prompted, smiling slightly.

"Raven use to drag me to them." Cece shrugged. "I'd have to keep her from doing something that she'd regret."

"Who knew that the Herondale would be the responsible one in a duo?" Magnus said. "Usually, it's the Herondale that needs a responsible friend."

"Her best friend is Raven Devereux, Papa," Rafe said boredly. "It's hard to find anything responsible about her."

"You're lucky I'm tired because I'd kick your butt for that." Cece warned, looking like she meant it, too.

"I bet you would," Rafe rolled his eyes. "But you wouldn't want to break a nail doing it, would you?"

"Rafael Santiago Lightwood-Bane," Alec said in a low voice. "Watch yourself."

"What?" Rafe said. "She just threatened to kick my butt!"

"And I'd be rooting for her," Magnus pointed out. "You did just insult her best friend."

Rafe rolled his eyes. "She's not getting in trouble." He grumbled.

"She has a legitimate reason to be defensive. If she were to actually kick your butt, she'd be in trouble." I said. "After we all cheered her on." Clary hit my arm. I glanced over at them to see Cecily falling asleep as she walked, leaning against me heavily. I knelt in front of her wordlessly, letting her climb on my back. She hardly weighed a hundred and ten pounds and was muscle only.

Rafe glanced back, his hard look softening. "How early was she up anyway?" He asked.

"Around five-ish this morning," Clary said, ignoring the argument that had just taken place.

"Oh," Rafe said, kicking a rock.

"Yes Mr. I-slept-in-until-five-minutes-before-we-left." Alec snorted. "You know, when you flirt, you have to compliment them more than you insult them."

Rafe's face turned beat red. "I-I wasn't... She's not my.... Gah!" He sputtered. "I wasn't flirting." He said after composing himself.

"Really?" Magnus drawled. We turned back onto the street we wanted and saw that the living room light was on. I could see Max reading a book, trying not to fall asleep. "Could have fooled me."

Rafe rolled his eyes. "I wasn't flirting."

"Word of advice," I said, readjusting Cece on my back. Her hands loosely clasped themselves in front of me and her face was against my right shoulder; her head bobbing along with every step. "As someone who had to work around the girl's best friend -" Clary snorted and nudged Rafe, who batted her away, "- It'd be best if you weren't so heartless when the chances of her seeing them again is slim-to-none."

"I wasn't flirting." Rafe repeated. "I don't even know her."

"You can flirt with someone you don't know." Alec said.

"She's like my cousin."

"Not related; not incest," Clary said wisely.

"Says the woman who was in love with a boy who she thought was her brother," Rafe said but the words held no sting; his insults and excuses were lame.

"But we aren't." Clary pointed out cheerfully. "And you were flirting with her."

"You wish," Rafael scoffed.

"We know," All of the adults chorused.

"You're going to wake her up," Rafe said casually.

"She's a heavy sleeper, actually." I said, poking his shoulder. "But call it what you will; just know that you should probably watch your tongue around her."

"I agree, Rafe," Alec shrugged helplessly. "You know, next time she might just kick your butt."

"Yeah," Rafe shrugged. "I'm pretty sure I can take her."

"Just remember that she is supposed to be the greatest Shadowhunter of your generation." Magnus shrugged casually, holding the front door open for us to head in.  

Herondales, Man (Jace and Clary's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now