Chapter 6

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•Cal's POV•

It's been about four weeks and no one has been able to find Taylor.

"I can't believe it... I lost my baby sister," I say running my hands through my hair.

"Cal... You'll be okay..." Amy says, but I know behind all the support, she's traumatized from the experience.

"I love you Amy, but... I think... I need a break..." I say knowing this will hurt us both, but it's for the best so that we both get some space to think.

She ran out crying.

"Help!" I cry.

•Simon's POV•

Hours have slowly been turning into years, minutes turned into months, seconds turn into days.

"Simon..." My mom says as I stare at the floor.

"Simon, are you doing okay?"

I sigh lying down.

I miss her... We'll never find her, I'll never see her again. I'm such trash, why did I not tell her how I really felt before this?

"I'll check back on you tomorrow," She says leaving.

I look like a fucking mess right now...

Cuts up and down my arms and legs, I've been over reacting at everything, taking everything personaly, feeling on edge...

Two weeks later

•Taylor's POV•

I'll never get out of this place, we're staying in a hotel in Nottingham. I'm tied to a fucking chair... I'm scared, they dyed my hair pastel pink and made me wear contacts the shade of brown. I just really want to go home to see Cal, Simon, and Amy just one more time. I want to be seen again...

The phone rang rapidly.

"Hello?" Ella answered.

"Hey, is there a girl with you going by the name of Taylor Tallyn?" A lady asks.

"No, you must have the wrong number," She says slamming the phone.

I cry putting my head in my hands hopeless, until...


Ella's eyes were drained of energy as soon as the door got busted down.

"Who are you?" They question me.

I start to speak as Ella gives me a look saying,

'You say a word, I'll cut you', I just never cared any longer, I wanted to go home more than anything and this is my chance!

"Taylor Tallyn," I yell.

Ella tried running at me but an officer held her back.

"Ella Walterson, you're under arrest for the kidnap of a girl who has been missing for about four weeks, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say may be used against you under the law," The officer says, "Anyone associated with the situation will be taken into custody as well."

The officer locks up Ella and takes her away as Alex returns.

"Alex, you're being deported for illegal acts under illegal imigration," Another officer takes him away.

"Mam, are you alright?" Another officer asks.

"I just... I wanna go home..." I cry as she unties me from the chair.

"I'll call, is this your friends and or family?" She shows me Cal's number.

"He's my brother... Please call him," I cry.

"I will, just stay with me sweetie," She says holding a phone out and putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" Cal says sounding like he's dead.

"Is this Callum Airey?" She asks.

"Yes, who is this? What do you want?"

"We found your sister, she's alive!" She says.

"What? Where?"

She gave him the adress and he hangs up to go get me.

•Cal's POV•

"Simon!" I scream at him to get out and come with me.

"What do you want freezy," He asks.

He's so pale and thin and broken.

"She's alive!" I cry out.

•Simon's POV•

"Taylor? She's alive?" I ask.

"Yeah, now let's get going!" Cal says opening the car door.

"What about Amy?" I ask.

"I'll go get her," He says as we drive to her flat.

He knocks on the door as she opens it and tries to speak.

•Cal's POV•

Before she tries to speak, I kiss her mouth full out.

"Amy, I was such trash for locking you out when I needed you the most," I say holding her, "Taylor's alive!"

"Well, let's go!" She says.

We drove right to the hotel surrounded by police cars and I saw the room with her in it.

•Taylor's POV•

"Taylor?" Cal says.

My eyes widden as I run and hug him crying.

"Taylor... I love you," He says crying.

I'm crying and having multiple emotions right now but over all....

I'm traumatized.

"Taylor... You want to go home now?" Simon asks me.

I nod as he carries me out to the car where I see Amy smiling.

"Amy," I whisper.

"I love you... Little sister," She says hugging me.

We drove back to Cal's flat where I saw all the Sidemen there.

I smile and hug them all and cry.

Once the day ended they went home except for Simon.

Me and Simon sat outside as the sun started fading out into the horrizon.

"Get up," Simon says.

I stand up and face him.

"What's wrong-"

"Taylor Tallyn, since day one you've helped me. You got me out of a toxic abusive relationship, you've helped me come to terms with life, and over all, I can't thank you enough. As time went on we got closer and closer to best friends, next thing I know, I start having feelings for you. I wanted to tell you but I obviously never got the chance to, but now," He says holding my hands, "Taylor, please be my girlfriend."

I smile and hug him whispering, "Yes."

A/N In the first time in forever maybe in this book in general, there's a happy scene! :) Bye! Might not get around to the next chapter till maybe later this week, but yeah! Have a lovely day :) 

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