Chapter 1

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Miniminter FanFiction omfg plz send help right away

  ‌•Simon's POV•

"Come on! Let's get going! We gotta record another football video!" Callum yelled to me grabbing his shoes.

I was lying on the couch with my girlfriend Ella and I just don't want to get up right now, mainly because... I was afraid to.

"Okay, coming," I say getting up to leave.

"Si, do you really have to leave?" She glared at me.

"Sorry I'll be back home babe," I say running out the door and jumping in the car.

"Okay, what are we doing, crossbar challenge? dizzy shooting? What?" I ask as he starts driving.
"Why are you so like... Shooken up?" He asks me.
"No- No reason!" I say.
I mean, how can I tell him about me and Ella?


"Come on you lazy idiot!" She yelled at me.

"I'm sorry I'm hurrying!" I say.

"You're so fucking slow Minter!" She slapped me.

"I- I'm sorry! I'll try better next time!" I cry.

End of flashback

"Okay... Well, I might've lied..." Cal says.

"What? Then, what the hell are we doing right now?" I ask.

"My sister is moving in with me because I needed a third roommate since Callux and Sarah now live together," Cal says.

"Sister? You don't have a sister," I laugh, "Only Harry does."

"Well, my half sister," He says, "My dad before marrying my mom, he had a daughter and her name is Taylor."

"What does she look like?" I ask.

"You'll see," He says stopping the car, "Hey Taylor!"

"Callum!" The girl says huggging him.

She has yellowish hazel eyes and medium brown hair. She looked really pretty.

"Who's this?" She asks.

"This is my mate Simon," Cal says, "And Simon, this is Taylor."

"It's nice to meet you," She says smiling.

"Nice to meet you too," I smile.

We came back to the Sidemen house and Ella looked really angry.

"There you are! Where were you?" She asks.

"I was with my friend getting her sister," I say, "Why?"

She rolls her eyes walking out of the house pushing Taylor into Cal.

"Oi! That's my fucking sister!" He yells at her, "Don't worry about her, she's just really insecure. Simon would know."

"Well, she's my girlfriend, so..." I say.

"Oh, okay," She says.

"Well, you guys need anything to drink?" I ask.

"No thanks... I actually get really sick after plane rides," Taylor says.

"Oh right, you still do?" Cal asks her.

"Yeah, it's from my mother," She laughs.

•Cal's POV•

I can tell already she's really nervous, maybe I should just get her to the flat.

"Well, we better get going home," I say grabbing her hand, "You gotta start unpacking soon."

"Oh, yeah..." Taylor says, "Bye Simon."

"Bye Taylor," He says smiling.

We step outside and get inside the car.

"Honestly Taylor, what do you think of him?" I ask.

"He's okay. He's different than anyone I've met," She says.

"Taylor, do you like him?" I ask laughing.

Her eyes dialate.

"I never want to date again... Because... You know..." She says.

"Oh, yeah, sorry Taylor, I forgot..."

•Taylor's POV•

The memories just make me cry... I was suffering from minor depression and replaying the memories...


"Taylor! Taylor!" Cal yelled at me.


"Wha? Mommy?" I say dazed.

"Oh my God... What happened to you?" He asked.

I felt pain in my lower half... God...

"It was him..." I cried.

"Who did this to you?" he questions me, "Who did this?"

"Alex..." I cried as he held me.

"That bitch fuck is going to get it! I'm calling the police right now!" He says dialing the police, "I gotta get you to the doctor-"

"Hey, I'm alright... I'm on the pill," I tell him, "Just hold my hand please..."

"Okay, I will Tay," He says.

End of Flashback

"Taylor!" Cal yelled at me.

"Huh?" I say meakly.

"We're here, I'll get your bags, you head up on the lift," He says opening the trunk.

I run to the lift and press the up button.

"So, you excited to live with the fam?" He asks.

"Yeah just... I don't-"

"Don't worry, everyone's taken, so no one will be hitting on you here," Cal says.

"Okay, good," I say smiling.

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