4. House of Dicks - Literally

Start from the beginning

Calmly I asked "What the hell happened?"

Just then, Chris brought me my tea and while muttering my thanks, the smell of passion fruit instantly calmed my nerves, just enough for me to sit down though. They all looked at me and before they could begin, I asked of one more favour.

"One favour please, don't stop, even if I look like I'm about to collapse, and please start with me not being raped" with that final statement, every boys face scrunched up in pain and Chris began to speak.


"Like we were saying before, were not human. Though not in a vampire/werewolf/witch kind of way, but more in a like we are part of a - I guess government system/FBI type thing?"

Quietly I sat, waiting for them to continue. So far they haven't said anything too drastic, so I'm still okay.

Taking a deep breath Chris continued.

"So, as I was saying, we are the government and FBI together, though our parents really run most of it. We are merely in training. We, more like our parents, take care of all the dimensions, making sure that all creatures and people alike are following the laws set out for them. The whole truth about vamps and weres not liking each other was not a lie. Though there are demons, fairies, angels, and a shit load more, so not everyone is going to get alone. That's one of our classes, learning all the 'people' of each state. And by state I mean dimension."

"How are you so far?" asked Asher.

"Um... well not only do vamps, weres, and demons exist, but fairies and a shit load more. Kind of all lot to take it. As far as I know, fire doesn't erupt when I'm mad, I don't have cravings for blood, don't turn into a wolf during a full moon, and no wings are sprouting from my back. So I don't understand what this has to do with me?"

"Well, each of the royals receive a certain power, though some have more then one" Caleb continued. "We are the five royals, well the males anyway" .

"Okay, before you continue, I have a couple of questions; first, what are your powers?, second, why do I go here? 'cause you just made it sound that there are females, third, whose the 'main' royal, or the most in charge? Oh is everyone like this, or is this place filled with supernatural creatures?" I said it with a bit of sarcasm, hey I'm still me you know! But the more information they gave me, the more confused I got. I'm a pretty open minded person, but even the best of us have limits.

"As royals, we all have the ability to hear thoughts of all mortals and immortals, I have the ability to transport us anywhere on the plant and to most dimensions" said Chris

"I have the ability to feel your emotions and change it" said Caleb, huh, doesn't Jasper, or what ever his name is can do that?

"I can see the your whole past and glimpse of your future, though for some reason it doesn't seem to work on royals, and can be very exhausting. Plus I only see glimpse and it doesn't't exactly come on command either" Said Asher

" I can impersonate any person, and while in their body I can know every memory, and those stay once I ' return' back to my own body" Said Landon

Emery took a breath before speaking, now that I realized it, he hasn't said a word the entire time.

" I can control all five elements, which hasn't been done for a couple of hundred thousand years, so its...weird. And I'm the most 'royal' here, my dad is the king/president of everything" He doesn't look to happy to be in that position, but control all five elements, shit that's pretty sick! And even the other 'abilities'! Why do I have to be so normal!

Just as Emery finished, Landon began speaking, "So coming back to the part where you not being raped, no non royals have any powers. But one very dangerous power would be finding out your greatest fear with a simple touch and creating the illusion that it actually happened. This can result in your defeat in battle, meaning death. And as for you first question, you're here because the prophecy says so".

Before I can bombarded them with more questions, Asher quickly cut in "So, you met Eric, he used to be a royal. His dad screwed up and it ended it up causing a major feud between most of the species, which of course called on a war. It was pretty messed up. Ironically, his mother died in that war, and his dad was stripped of his title and power and sentenced to house arrest, for eternity. So all the kid has, is his dad, who cant leave his house, which happens to be in the middle of the Sahara desert. He takes after his dad, and swears to 'get revenge' and something along those lines, which includes harming you in any way possible. Eric got stripped of his title as well because if his father doesn't have one nor does he, though since he was innocent of the crime, he got to keep his power. He used his power on you, meaning your greatest fear is being raped.

"Just because the other students don't have extra powers, doesn't mean they could not create harm, especially to you. We all have the wits of a fairy, the strength of a demon, speed of a vamp, and healing venom of a were. Those are the most popular creatures, that's why we inherit their skills" Continued Caleb "Oh and, its pretty hard to harm us, we have super hearing and eye sight also" he said with a smile, I love Caleb he's going to be my little brother!

"And yes there are other supernatural species as you put it. Vamps, weres, fairies, demons, angels, the whole shebang" Added Chris.

"As for the prophecy thing, my mother, who is one of the greatest Futs (Fouts), its what royals with my ability call ourselves, had a dream. It was about a girl who change the lives of many, how? We don't know, all we know is that something's going to happen, and she has to do with the outcome..." Said Asher, though I know there is something that their not telling me. I will leave for now.

"The girl is me" It was a statement not a question. Slowly, everything is starting to make sense. Those dreams I would have, something tells me it has to do with whatever's going to happen. I was trying to comprehend everything that they were saying, when I felt someone watching me, not physically, more like in my head, I'm either going crazy, or...

"Boys, get out of my head" I said with the least amount of venom I could muster. That is one thing I hate when people try to read my emotions, I'm very good at hiding what I'm feeling, and its worse when there actually in your head.

"Sorry" They all mumble.

I need to leave, I need to think without that creepy stalker feeling. I remember the music room, filled with beautiful instruments just waiting to be used.

That's it, I'm going to play with some keys, that always seems to help me think. Getting up, not caring I'm in my Pjs, I grab a sweater that happens to be hanging on the chair, grab my key and cell phone off the main counter and head out the door.

"We just told you, were not human, nor is anyone in this school, and someone out there just tried to kill you and you want to leave. Alone". Said Emery, the first thing he said since telling me about it ability, not much of a talker I see.

"No, in fact I hate mundane" He replied bitterly.

"One, get out of my head, and second, why are you being a dick to me, cause if I'm some prophecy answer thing, I guess I'm not so normal am I? You know, just because you're the most royal of the royals, doesn't mean I'm going to kiss your ass, so you can get that out of your head. I can feel you all in my head, so if your so worried, use your super hearing to hear if I scream for help, then you can use your super speed to come in and save the day. There problem solved" With that I slammed the door shut and made my way to the music room.

I was so fuckin confused! I had way more questions and screwed up answers to only half of them.

Why did I end up with no clothes on in someone else's bed?

What the hell do the prophecy's mean?

Did my Uncle and parents have in on this?

When were they planning on telling me?

And what the hell were they hiding?

Most importantly, what the fuck is going on!

So many questions unanswered and I can feel more forming.

The damn place better be empty, I'm in the mood for some scremo.


Thank you for readingg!!!!



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