Zayn Imagine - Finally

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I realize now that I was suck a stupid carrot when I wrote these. But hey, we've all been through that, right?

Whatever, I don't think I even care if you guys vote, comment or fan anymore. To be honest, I just want to get all of these imagines out there again. 

 I love you still, though!


You unlocked the door to your flat and stepped inside. You were met by an empty appartment and no one to welcome you home. You sighed loudly to yourself and shrugged of your jacket and shoes.

Right now you wished Zayn was here to bring you into his arms after a hard day at work. He always knew what to do to make you feel better. You missed him so much now that he was on tour. The thought of his hands on your skin made you crave him right then.

You quickly walked to your bedroom and stripped out of your clothes on the way. When you reached your bed, the only thing you had left on you was your bra and underwear. You fell onto the bed and sighed yet again. You thought about Zayn and his warm hands. You didn't only miss being around him, your body craved to be with his, to be pressed up against eachother, naked. You craved to be near him, but now that he was away, you would have to deal with it on your own.

The thought of being in Zayn's arms made your hand move lower and down in your underwear. Your fingers found your clit and you started rubbing it slowly in circles. You thought about Zayn doing this to you. You tried to mirror his movements, how he always did this. But whatever you tried, it was never as good as it was when Zayn was here. You started rubbing yourself faster, and you let a moan escape between your lips. You closed your eyes tightly and imagined Zayn being in this room, and in the end, it felt like it too. It felt like Zayn was standing there, watching you. Your moans started comming with less seconds between and you could feel the tension in your body rise.

"Agghh... Zayyyynn!" You moaned out, wishing his hands were on your body. Thinking about how he would bite your neck, while he was thrusting deep in you.

That's when you heard a low chuckle comming from the other side of the room. You eyes shot open and you looked around to find the source of the sound.

"I'm glad I'm on your mind." The voice said again, it was comming from the bathroom door. You looked up and your eyes stopped at Zayn, who was standing there, arms crossed over his chest, leaning on the door frame and with an amused look on his face. Even though he was slightly smiling, his eyes showed something much, much darker.

You quickly pulled your hand out of your underwear and looked down ashamed that he saw you do this to yourself. You heard him walk closer and a few seconds later the bed shifted, signalising that Zayn had climbed on it. He crawled over to you and lifted your chin up, so you could meet his eyes, which were almost black with lust.

"I didn't tell you to stop." He said slowly as he leaned in to kiss you. When he was about to pull away, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him even closer to you, making him stand on his knees between your legs and lean down to your face. He pushed himself a little away, only enough to break the kiss, but still have most of his body touching yours. "Are you sure you are ready to take on a month of sexual frustration?" He whispered to you.

Only hearing him speak this close to you made you wet.

"Oh Zayn, you have no idea how much I want you." You leaned up and started kissing him again. He took that as a definitive yes, and pushed you hard back down on the bed.

He sat up and pulled his shirt over his head. You pouted slightly, since it had been over a month since you had torn a shirt of Zayn's body, but when you saw his naked torso your mouth dropped open. You quickly sat up to feel his warm skin on yours, but Zayn pushed you back down again and in the process, he pinned down your hands above your head using one of his. He leaned down to your face, so close that your lips were brushing against eachother. He looked into your eyes, he did this for a few minutes, just watching you and lightly brushing his lips over yours. You tried to lift your head and press your lips to his, but every time you did, he would pull away and smirk at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2013 ⏰

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