Kol was now standing an inch away from Klaus's face and chuckled a little at his sudden accusation. Klaus had taken what he'd said too literally. "I'm definitely still going brother. I'm going to be there to stop Marcel and save Caroline," he paused temporarily and stared at his brother. "But you're not." And immediately after that, he snapped Klaus's neck. He'd only be out for a few minutes, so he needed to move quickly. "I know what Marcel's secret weapon is and I know how to stop them."

Kol traveled at top speed to the old Mikaelson mansion. He'd found it when he was on the Other Side, following Marcel around to learn things about him. That was where he discovered the secret weapon. He'd taken a young witch under his wing and mentored her for the past few months. She was more powerful than anything they'd been up against. Fortunately for Kol, neither Marcel nor his witch Davina knew what he looked like. He had the upper hand with the element of surprise.

Outside the Mikaelson home, Kol was planning his attack. The element of surprise was all he had going for him at the moment. Even though the better choice was to go in with Klaus and the hybrids, being the hero meant more to him. If he could pull this off alone, maybe there would be a slight chance Caroline would reconsider choosing him over his brother. For Klaus, there would always be something preventing them from truly being happy. With Kol, there would only be Caroline in his eyes. He would sacrifice everything to make her happy, even after everything that's happened.

Back in the forest, Klaus had managed to regain consciousness and was now consulting with the werewolves. Klaus was an Original, and therefore could outrun any wolf that tried to escape. He meant no harm to them, only two things. He needed them for a personal gain, to save Caroline, and he promised that turning them into hybrids would cure them of their curse put on them.

When the werewolves showed signs of agreement, Klaus told them that he'd be back after retrieving the doppelgänger from Mystic Falls. It would only take an hour, two tops, with his impeccable vampire speed; hopefully enough time to get to Caroline before Kol screwed everything up.

But Klaus didn't want to chance it. Kol was probably there by now, and knowing his brother, Kol was also probably captured somehow. Klaus needed to act fast in order to save Caroline, and potentially his own brother too.

In a split second decision, Klaus called off the werewolves' help, and made for the mansion.

Kol had managed his way inside the mansion, and even though he was swift, the vampires inside were just the same. He knew they could hear him, but none of that mattered. If he could somehow kill the witch Marcel has been fostering, than the rest of the vampires would be a piece of cake. But what Kol did know for sure was that they didn't know whether or not it was Klaus, and that was what kept him hopeful. If worst came to worst, he would lie as best as he could and convince Marcel he was someone he wasn't.

Not much longer later Klaus barged through the front doors of the mansion. Kol thought he was completely insane. Marcel had the woman they both loved held prisoner with vervain restraints and Sabrina the Teenage Witch as a backup weapon. He was exposed to her and he had no idea how powerful she was. From what Kol could tell, though, was that Klaus didn't seem to want to fight. And he couldn't tell if that worried him or relieved him.

"Klaus, I see you managed to get in no problem. My guards must have been a piece of cake for you to get through," Marcel barked from the top of the grand staircase.

"Relax, Marcel. I only snapped their necks. They're all still alive. I wish you no harm."

"How do I know you're true to your word? You double-crossed me," Marcel said.

"I can prove it to you. Just give me a chance..." Klaus trailed off. "Kol, I know you're here hiding. Come out so that you don't surprise Marcel and his lovely witch friend."

Kol was wide-eyed and slightly fear-stricken. Klaus must have changed his vengeance plan to something less sinister. But he did as his brother wished. Klaus had a plan and Kol was entrusting him with his life and Caroline's.

"Look, Marcel. I've just exposed my only potential advantage-the element of surprise. You're my brother, Marcel. I know I betrayed your trust, but it was for good reason. I was bringing my brother back. I never meant to cause a fight between us. I just want Caroline safe."

An apologetic look washed Klaus' face. He truly meant every word he said. No lies, no trickery or deceit this time.

"Please, Marcel. You know I have a temper, and I understand why you'd plan an attack against me. I do get vengeful, especially when someone I care about is in danger, but I could never do that to you. You're family, and my family means more to me than anything else. When Kol died, I made it my duty to bring him back, and I have. I would do the same for you. I created you." Klaus gave his last plea.

Marcel was silent for a moment and then let out a sigh of defeat. "I suppose we could put our differences aside on this. I do admit, I was suspicious of you, but after I see what you were really up to, it's clear I may have made a poor judgmental call. You have nothing to fear from either myself or Davina. I call a truce."

Marcel shook hands with both Klaus and Kol, and then sent Davina upstairs to free Caroline. Klaus was impressed at how easily he could persuade Marcel to back down and give up Caroline as hostage, but he wasn't going to complain.

"And Kol..." Klaus started. "I'm terribly sorry about this entire mess. I never anticipated Caroline getting mixed up in both of our lives the way she did. I never even thought I would have a chance with her. If I could ignore my feelings and give her to you, I would. But I could never compel her to love someone, and I would assume you feel the same way."

"Of course, brother. I understand. And it's not anyone's fault. Like Caroline said, it was you from the start and it always will be. I never stood a chance anyhow."

Caroline ran down the stairs and ran straight for Klaus' arms. It stung Kol a little bit knowing that he would never be with her, but if she made Klaus happy, then at least he wouldn't make everyone's lives miserable. Caroline would make sure of that. And Kol would always have a strong bond with her, like a best friend.

You're Back and You're Troubleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें