Chapter Fifty Seven: Maia

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Eloise got me up that morning. I was having such a nice dream, but it dissolved when she rapidly shook me.

"Maia, wake up," she demanded, "We're going to be late."

I opened my eyes and groaned. The world seemed blurry at first. Almost as soon as my eyes opened, I felt my stomach lurch. I pushed past Eloise and ran to the bathroom.

My stomach almost ended up in the toilet. Yet, as soon as I was done, I felt back to normal.

Eloise had come up behind me, and was patting my back. I pushed her away as I stood.

"I feel better," I told her.

When I stood up, I felt slightly woozy. That was to be expected, since I did just throw up. Eloise crossed her arms, "Like I'm going to believe that. You just threw up all of your internal organs. We're going to the doctor whether you like it or not. Get dressed."

She spun on her heel and left. I scrunched my nose at her, but obliged. Eloise was not one to sway from her decision.

I returned to my bedroom to change. Doctor's offices were notorious for being cold, so I threw on jeans and a black tee. I also grabbed a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt. Once I was ready, I met Eloise in the living room.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me out the house. As much as I wanted to, I didn't object. She dragged me to the underground and pushed me on a train.

"Coming through!" she told the crowd, "Ill lady here!"

Several people gave me gross looks. I felt my cheeks become red as Eloise continued to drag me through the crowd.

When we arrived on the train, she forced me to sit. I sat between an old man reading the paper and a young woman with her baby on her lap. My legs were crossed as I continued to stare at Eloise.

"What?" she asked, "You're the ill one here."

I groaned. Despite feeling perfectly back to normal, she was still going to force me to the doctor. I hated doctors. Back when I was a kid, my Aunt made me go to hundreds. She thought my not talking could be cured. That had about drawn me out on doctors.

Still, she was probably right. I'd been throwing up all day yesterday, and this morning. That can't be normal. Just my luck, I get a stomach bug. I have a book signing in three days!

The train arrived at our stop not to long afterwards. Eloise grabbed my wrist and hauled me up. She dragged me through the lines getting off the train and into the sunlight.

As soon as we were there, Eloise slowed down. She released my arm and took a deep breath, "At least it's a pretty day."

"You didn't have to bring me," I smiled, "I don't mean to trouble you."

She looked at me and broke out into a large grin. I hunched a bit when she threw her arm around me, "Maia, that's what best friends are for."

I chuckled as she full out laughed. We walked into the tan brick building. The doctor's office was three floors up. We had to walk through the overly-clean halls to the elevator that was ninety percent mirrors. Once we were on the right floor, my nose caught a large whiff of bleach and alcohol. Eloise coughed as I retched. I plugged my nose, hacking the entire time.

"Jesus Christ," Eloise mumbled, covering her mouth and nose with her hands, "Did they purge the entire building or something?!"

I laughed, keeping my nose plugged. Luckily, the actual Doctor's office didn't smell half as bad. We were able to actually breathe in there.

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