Chapter Fifty Three: Howl

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I woke up in Phil's bed, receiving butterfly kisses up and down my neck, and not exceeding my collar bone.

I got to go home on my birthday, which was yesterday. The doctors said I could go home, only if I was going to be very careful with my stitches.

"Phil... Stop." I groaned, brushing him away from me. I opened up my eyes and looked at him. He was laying on his side, fleece Animal pj bottoms, and glasses. His hair was a complete mess. And he had small bags under his eyes But, he had a loving smile.

"Sorry. I just..." He smiled again before kissing me. "I love not having to keep my feelings about you a secret." He looked at me. "I love you, Howl Grace Howell." He smiled a toothy smile. I chuckled.

"I love you too, Philip Michael Lester." I replied, sitting up a tiny bit to kiss him. We laid in his for a silent few minutes before I spoke up. "Can you get me my glasses? I want to see your face clearer." I asked. Phil grabbed my glasses off the nightstand and placed them on my face, then he pecked my lips. "I hope you know your lips are really dry."

"Sorry. I like you with glasses on." He smirked, turning to his bedside table to get his Chapstick.

"I like you with glasses too." I smiled. He quickly put some on and turned back to me.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked placing his fingers on my shoulder and walking them up and down my arm. I sat and thought for a moment. Breakfast never really crossed my mind.

"I don't know. I guess I'm not really hungry." I answered, moving a little bit closer to Phil.

"Well, we can just lay here till you get hungry." He responded, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. We laid in his bed for several minutes. But, it ended up getting to quiet for the both of us. So, we put an album Amelie got for me for my birthday. Pretty. Odd. She knew I wanted that one on vinyl. I don't even know how she found to be honest!

The first song to play was 'Do You Know What I'm Seeing'. It's one of my favorite songs by P!ATD.

'Clouds are marching along Singing a song, just like they do. If the clouds were singing a song, I'd sing along, wouldn't you too?'

We listened in quite. Then, this verse came.

'I know it's mad but if I go to hell, Will you come with me or just leave? I know it's mad but if the world were ending Would you kiss me or just leave me, just leave me?'

"Hey, Phil?" I asked, looking at the ceiling. He moved his head so he could speak.


"I know it's mad, but if I go to hell would you come with me? Or would you just leave?" I looked at him. He sat and thought.

"No. Cause I don't believe you'll be going to hell." He responded, placing his lips back the top of my head. I smiled and cuddled closer to him. I guess you could say we made it official.

"That works for me." I smiled. Phil hummed in response. We listened to music for an hour before my phone rang.

Dan Calling...

"Oh! It's Dan." I smiled. I need a new picture for him. I answered it and put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Hi, Howl!" Dan exclaimed. I could hear the actual pain in his voice. He hated being away from Phil. I sighed and looked at Phil.

"How's it going?"

"I'm doing good. Maia and I are hanging out. How are you?"

"I'm fine." I smiled. "I was just watching a movie."

"Oh fun. What movie?"

"Tangled." I lied.

"What's Phil doing?"

"He's filming a video." I looked at Phil and cringed. He smiled and shrugged.

"Okay. I was just calling to see how you are."

"Oh, well I'm good."

"How was the rest of your day yesterday?"

"Eloise and Peej came over and we played Cards Against Humanity. I think I fell asleep. Philly told me that Chris and Amelie came over. Amelie got me a few vinyl records, two of which I really wanted." I smiled, picking up the sleeve for Pretty. Odd.

"I best go. Maia and I are going to see Cap3." Dan replied happily.

"Happy birthday, Danny."

"Thanks. See ya soon." He said and hung up. I placed my phone on the night stand and looked at Phil.

"He sounded like he was having fun." I curled into his side. Phil chuckled lightly.

"I'm sure he is." He responded, rubbing my back. "We're official... Right? We're a couple?" He asked, aimlessly. I looked up at him and smiled.

"The amount of kisses we've given each other and the amount of 'I Love You's that have been exchanged. I think it's safe to say, yes. We are a couple. We are an us." I nodded. He smiled and kissed me.

"I love this..." He said, playing with a strand of my hair. "I love you." He chuckled.

"Phil..." I laughed.

"Sorry. I just love saying it." Phil smiled. "I love not hiding it." He added.

"You're the best thing to happen since Kate." I admitted. And it's true. When Katlyn and I were together, I would've thought she was the best thing ever.

"Good." He kissed the top of my head. "Better than Jackson?"

"Yes. Definitely better." I nodded.

"Good." He kissed my lips softly.

"Okay, Lover Boy, I need liquids. Can you go get me some water or juice?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll be back. Don't go anywhere." He stood up and walked to the kitchen. After a few seconds, I heard a bang and then a loud 'Ow!' this could only tell me he ran into the door. I stifled a chuckle.

"I have to call Ryan!" I exclaimed, picking up my phone. We're supposed to have coffee soon and I forgot to tell him about what happened. I quickly dialed his number and waited.

"This is Ryan Jacobs." He sounded so professional.

"Hi, Ryan. This is Howl."

"Oh! Howl! How are you? I can't wait to have coffee with you."

"That's why I'm calling. I had to have my appendix out the 9th and I'm going to be down for the next few days. I was wondering if we could postpone till next week?" I politely asked.

"Oh my! Of course we can. I hope you feel better. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call." He replied and hung up.

"That was easy." I placed my phone down and waited for Phil to return.

"I have, water, juice and tea." He said, coming in with a tray.

"I'll have the water. Thanks, Philly." I smiled, taking the bottle of water of him. He nodded and placed the tray on his dresser then came back in the bed.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked before getting comfortable. I shook my head and cuddled up to him.

"I called Ryan. I told him we're going to have to postpone our coffee meeting." I said, twisting the lid off the bottle and sipping it.

"Okay. When?" Phil asked, getting comfy and pulling me close to his body. I smiled as he placed his head on mine.

"I like this." I smiled. Phil chuckled. After a few minutes, I drifted off.

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