Chapter Twenty Six: Eloise

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I gripped the wall with white knuckles. Kids, teens, and adults snickered as they passed. Yes, a twenty one year old girl who doesn't know how to skate. Bite me.

Pj skated just as gracefully as the rest of them. He even skated backwards. When he came to me, he smiled, "Why didn't you say you've never been skating?"

"It didn't look hard," I tried to keep myself from falling, "I thought I could do it."

I was focused on the ground. Pj chuckled and grabbed my hands, "Just focus on me. I'll show you."

I looked up from the ground to look at Pj. He was smiling with that perfect smile. I kept my eyes on him as he helped me skate. We began to gain speed without even realizing it.

A couple kids came barreling around the corner. They ran straight into us, knocking us over the edge. I landed on top of Pj, my face unnaturally close to his. The lights continued to flash as everything else slowed down.

It was an accident, honestly. I have no idea what happened. It kinda just, happened. One second I was laying on top of Pj, from when the kids had knocked us over. Next thing, we were staring at each other. Everything was slowing down, and the music seemed to have completely vanished.

Then, Pj grabbed my head and pressed his lips to mine. I was confused, shocked, and somewhat scared. The last time someone kissed me, bad things happened. I didn't want them to happen again.

Plus, we had only been together for two weeks. I wouldn't even call him my 'boyfriend', yet. I wanted to, but I don't think he would want me to.

When Pj released me, we were both pale. Nothing was said as I rolled off of him. We sat across from each other, trying to figure out what just happened.

"Is it official?" I asked out of the blue.

I have no idea where that came from. It was as if something else inside of me had said it.

"I-I don't know," Pj replied, "Do you want it to be?"

I was silent for a moment. Sure, I liked the kiss. It was the best kiss I had ever had. Although, that wasn't saying much, as I've only kissed three people.

Did I like Pj that much?

Maybe... yeah, yeah I think I do.

"Only if you do," I replied, looking up at him.

His eyes brightened, if only slightly. He leaned forward, grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back, knowing that from now on, I could officially say that Ej is canon.


"And then he kissed me!" I exclaimed, "Right on the lips! No awkwardness, no warning, he just kissed me!"

I was currently pacing in Maia's bedroom. After skating, Pj took me home. I waited an hour, slowly freaking myself out, before running to Maia's.

Why was I freaking out? Well, for one, this is the first real relationship I've ever had, and it's not even a month old! Secondly, he's one of my older brother's best friends, and I haven't told him yet! That'd be like Phil dating Maia or Howl, without telling me. What if he reacted badly?!

Maia sat there, listening intently. When I finished ranting, I fell next to her. She patted my knee as my head fell to her shoulder.

"It's official," I sighed, "But I don't know. I just don't know."

Maia grabbed her pad and scribbled something down. I patiently waited, giving her ample time to finish. When she did, she handed me the small pad.

If you like him, then it works. Why are you freaking out so much? Isn't this a good thing?

I sighed, "I think so! I mean, I like him a lot, but that's not the issue here. I have had terrible experiences with dating. Phil is very against me dating anyone, let alone one of his best friends! How am I going to tell him?!"

Maia wrote down her next sentence, He's your brother, and your best friend, he'll understand.

She was right, Phil was my best friend. I had exactly four people I consider best friends in this world. Phil, Maia, Dan, and Pj. Howl and I were steadily growing closer, and maybe one day would be best friends. For now, we were like pre-best friends.

"But what if he doesn't?!" I asked, "Back in school, I went out with one of Phil's friends. He did bad stuff, and Phil got really angry. Now, he doesn't really want me to date much at all."

I didn't have just one bad experience, but that one was the worst. Phil was so mad, he cussed and turned red as a cherry.

Did I mention I love my brother? I really love my brother.

Maia scribbled down what she wanted to say next, If Phil wants what's best for you, then he'll let you date Pj without any fuss.

"You're right," I sighed, "You're always right. I just, I panicked I guess. Thanks, Maia."

She patted my head, telling me I'm welcome. I squeezed her side, thanking the heavens that I had such good friends. 

MentalityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora