Chapter Eighteen: Eloise

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"That's not how this works!" I shouted, "You can't remove from the top three layers!"

Pj frowned, "Yes you can!"

We were at his house, playing Jenga. You wouldn't think that it would be such a competitive game, but when you play with me, it was. Anyone can tell you, I am very competitive. Mum says it comes with my ADHD. Phil always said I could run a marathon and win by yelling at my competitors.

I have learned that Pj is equally as competitive. True, he wasn't as energetic as I was. He didn't have ADHD, but he was just as competitive.

"You can't remove from the top three layers! That's cheating! Those are always easy!" I shouted.

Pj rolled his eyes, "Yes you can! It's the first completed one and the one in completion above that that you can't remove from."

"Well, read the directions!"

Pj pulled the paper from the box and began to scan it. I waited semi-patiently for him to finish. When he did, he grumbled, "You're right, I can't remove from the top three."

"Ha!" I shouted, "You cheated, therefore you forfeit."

Pj groaned, "Let's do something else, we're both way to competitive to be playing this alone."

I sighed, he was right. We needed more people in order for our competitiveness to balance out. If it was just us, it wasn't much fun.

"Well then, what do we do now?" I asked, falling to sit next to him.

He smiled. We had been dating for a week now, and I still haven't told Phil. He wasn't to keen on the dates I had been on before, but now I was dating one of his best friends. I wasn't sure how he would react. With my other dates, he tried to spoil them. I can't imagine.

"We could play Smash Bros," Pj suggested.

I looked at him and sighed, "Same thing, we'll try to out-compete each other."

He nodded in agreement. We needed to find something relaxing, something fun. Luckily, I had just the idea. I sat up and grabbed his hand.

"Oh!" I expressed, "We could go to the trampoline park!"

Pj grinned, "That sounds like fun! Where is it?"

"Um, near Tesco," I stated, pulling out my phone.

I found it's exact location, it was two streets behind Tesco. We got up, grabbed our coats, and headed out. Well, Pj grabbed his coat. I slid on a Coca Cola sweatshirt over my army green tank. What can I say, I love sweatshirts.

We took the tube to the park. It was actually indoors, which didn't surprise me. Although, it would be a lot more fun outdoors. The entire place, though, was amazing! The floors were trampolines of various heights. Some were ramps, others rested against the wall, and some hand obstacle courses attached. There was monkey bars, trapeze bars, and nets in various places for us to play on.

Pj and I were the oldest people on the trampolines. That didn't bother us, though. You're only as old as you feel. And, at the moment, I didn't feel like I was twenty one. I felt like I was seven.

"Race you to the obstacle course!" I exclaimed, kicking my shoes off.

"You're on!" Pj replied.

We bounced onto the trampolines and began to run towards the obstacle course. It was tucked away against the back wall. There was tunnels to climb through, monkey bars, nets, and those stand up punching bag things you had to push through.

I made it first, and began to climb through the first tunnel. Pj was not to far behind, and grabbed my ankles, trying to pull me back.

"No fair!" I shouted, wrenching my foot from his grip.

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