Chapter Thirty Four: Eloise

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"But what if he yells at me?" I asked into the phone.

I was walking down the street toward Dan and Phil's flat. Today was the day, I had decided. Well, actually, Pj told me it needed to be today. He didn't want to hide our relationship from Phil. Neither did I.

"He won't," Pj tried to calm me, "Just calmly tell him."

I sighed, nodding to myself, "Alright, I'll see you tonight."

"See you then, Love."

With that, we hung up. I found myself at the foot of the stairs that lead up to Dan and Phil's flat. I sucked in a deep breath and began to climb.

I was so terrified Phil would ban me from dating Pj. Technically, he couldn't. He wasn't my Mum, and I was an adult. Still, I didn't want to lose him. He was my best friend, I couldn't live with him being angry at me.

Then again, I didn't want to leave Pj. I liked him, a lot. If Phil told me to leave him, I don't know what I would do. I tend to act now, think later.

I found myself at the doorway only moments later. Gathering up my courage, I knocked. The door was almost instantly answered by Howl.

"Eloise?" she lifted an eyebrow, "Didn't expect you over."

I shrugged, "I need to talk to Phil. Is he in?"

"He's upstairs. Is everything alright?"

I nodded. She let me in. I instantly made my way through the familiar halls, towards Phil's closed door. I could hear him humming on the other side.

It's now or never, Eloise.

"Phil!" I called, knocking on the door, "Can I come in?"

"Leezy? Come on in!"

I opened the door and stepped in, quietly shutting it behind me. Phil was sitting on his bed, typing on his computer. Probably editing a video, I don't know. At that moment, there was only one thing on my mind.

"I have to talk to you," I admitted, beginning to pace the room.

He lifted an eyebrow, fully knowing I only paced when I was nervous, "Leezy, what's wrong?"

"I don't want you to be mad, see?" I pushed my fingers through my hair, "But, I'm terrified you will be. Just, I'm just gonna say it, I'm dating Pj."

I turned around to see the expression on his face. It seemed like a mixture of emotions, mostly shock.

"What?!" he shouted, setting his computer to the side.

"It's only been for about a week," I admitted, "I was going to tell you sooner, but you were having problems with the you-know-what," I didn't want to say it in case Howl was listening in, "And I didn't think it was the right time!"

Phil's eyes were wide, "You're dating Pj?! And you didn't tell me until now?"

"I'm sorry, I know how you are about me dating," I sighed, "I'm sorry, I should've told you sooner."

Phil sighed, "It's alright. Pj is a nice guy, he'll treat you right."

I jerked my head up in surprise, "Y-you're not angry?"

"I'm angry that you didn't bother to tell me until now," he sighed, "But, I'm not angry that you're dating Pj, if that's what you mean."

I grinned.

"But!" Phil expressed, "If he hurts you, I will rearrange his face."

I chuckled and rushed forward to hug my brother. He hugged back.

"Thanks, Phil. You're the best."


"One does not simply make a milkshake with two percent," Pj pointed out.

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't say two percent, I said almond milk. Get your lactose right, Jesus."

Pj chuckled. We were currently in his kitchen trying to make strawberry milkshakes. He had two types of milk, almond and two percent.

Pj poured the milk in the blender as I cut up the strawberries. When I finished, I dumped them in there and he turned on the blender. It started whirring, mixing the milk with the strawberries.

"How'd he take it?" Pj asked when the blending had stopped.

I shrugged, "Much better than I thought. He was only mad that I didn't tell him sooner. If I give him some space for a while, he'll get over it quickly. He's not one to hold grudges."

Pj smiled, pouring the milkshakes in two separate cups. When he finished, he dropped the blender top in the sink.

We moved to the living room to watch a movie. The Dark Knight Rises was already up and ready to play.

Pj sat down first. I sat next to him, and he put his arm around me. We both sipped our milkshakes as the movie started.

"Batman is so much better than Superman," I commented.

Pj choked on his drink, "You did not just say that."

I glanced up at him, "Did you not hear me?"

"Superman is so much better!" Pj expressed, "He actually has powers, and is not some rich brat who is still sad after his parents died years ago."

I sat up straight, "Yes, but Batman is in pursuit of justice. He only wants to send criminals to jail, and make Gotham safe."

"I will fight you on this," Pj playfully frowned.

"Bring it."

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