Chapter Forty Nine: Howl

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Sharp pains... Period? No. That's not right. That doesn't come for a few days. I can tell you I'm not pregnant. I haven't done the deed in a long time.

I sat up and looked for the lamp switch and glasses. I slipped my glasses on my face and pressed on my stomach.

"Ow... Ugh..." I moved my blanket out of the way and looked for any blood. Nope. No blood. I fumbled in the drawer of my nightstand for my phone. 4:30. So, Dan and Phil are asleep.

I stood up and slowly made my way down to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. I placed the glass on the counter and leaned forward.

"Oh man." I groaned, picking up the glass again and sipping the water. I placed the glass in the sink and made my way back to my room. I sat on my bed and pressed on my stomach again. It hurts. But, more. Almost as if I was being stabbed.

"That can't be good." I picked up my phone and dialed Dan. The shitty thing is, we're leaving to visit our parents in the morning. My birthday is three days and I was planning on going to visit mom and dad. Great!

"What?" He grumbled over the line.

"Ugh..." I let out a soft whimper. "I think I need to go to the A&E." I held my stomach. He hung up and a moment later there was a knock on my door. The door pushed open and Dan walked in. He was wearing a jumper and a pair of shorts

"Oh my god. Are you okay?" He asked, coming over to me. "Fuck. Howl, you're burning up. I'm waking Phil. We're going to the hospital." He said, running a hand through his slightly curly hair. I nodded as he left the room. Not even 5 minutes later, Dan returned with Phil. Phil was wearing a pair of fleece pj bottoms, no shirt, and his glasses.

"There's a cab outside. I'm calling mum." He said. "Phil is gonna help you out." Dan quickly added, dialing mum and leaving my room. Phil, very tiredly, came over to me and scooped me up in his arms. He was, well, hot and I was fucking cold.

"Careful." I whimpered as he stood up straight. He muttered a soft sorry and carried me. I clenched my eyes closed as we made it outside. It was nice. Warm with a slight breeze. The cab driver got out and opened the door for Phil. Who slid in after the door was opened.

"Go. I'll text him when we get there." Phil told the driver, who muttered something to Phil and then drove off. I lightly opened my eyes and looked up at Phil. Who was already texting Dan.

"Thanks." I in took a sharp breath. He looked down at me and moved a strand of my hair.

"Anything." He nodded.

We soon made it to the hospital. Phil carried me in. I was in and out of it so, he just waited for Dan to come to check me in.

"Hey." Dan came over to us. I was literally laying on Phil. I felt as if I was dying.

"She's quite warm." Phil whispered looking at me then Dan. I turned and looked at Dan.

"Okay. I'll go check her in." He nodded. Dan looked more than frazzled. He looked stressed. Well, we were supposed to go visit our parents in a few hours. Looks like that changed.

"Hey, you'll be fine." Phil whispered, rubbing my leg. "Chances are it Appendicitis. Dan had it in UNI." He added, looking at me. He gently pushed my glasses up onto the bridge of my nose. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. Moments later, Dan came back over and sat next to Phil. I heard the sound of a backpack opening and closing.

"Mum and Dad wanted to come down. I told them to stay. I, however, will be going to see them." He told Phil.

"Why going?" I looked at Dan.

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