Chapter 1: Macallan 18

Start from the beginning

I look at him and start laughing but I stopped myself when I see he clearly wasn't joking.

"You're serious." I say

He leaves a card on my table that reads 'NYC Elite Escorts'. I raise my eyebrows at him and take the card. "You're shitting me."

"They aren't fucking hookers they are respectable women out to show you a good time around New York. Like an Elite tour guide or they can be hired to be company for events and I've heard a rumour you could have one of them for a long period of time so maybe that would work because god only knows you couldn't find a decent women out there willing." Liam states

"Fine. I'll go around 5."

"Oh hell no, I'm coming with and we are going now." He says as he gets up doing his suit jacket button. All I do is listen because Liam was right I needed to get my shit together.


If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up it sure as hell wouldn't be this. Escorting for old men who most wanted to get lucky by the end of the day. I had plans, big ones. College, law school the huge shibang but that all changed when my mom went to jail for drug charges and I was tossed onto the streets at 18.

I had no one to turn to so I never went to college and I started working minimum wage jobs until I was around twenty I was approached by a man named Carter Fray, while I was bar tending. He noticed my entertaining skills and my social skills. He said he wanted me to work for him immediately of course when I saw the card I laughed in his face and told him to move along.

He explained to me that I didn't have to sleep around that I simply had to go out with these men but as soon as I felt uncomfortable I could pull out. I still wasn't too sure until I saw him write down what my first paycheque would look like. He said the more clients the more zeros.

Who could argue with that right?

"Come one now Angel lets go up to my room and have some fun it's not like you aren't used to that." He says as he wiggles his eyebrows.

I wanted to slap him and turn off but of course I just gave him the best smile I could. "Thank you for business but my night ends after the party which is all you paid for."

With that I hall a taxi and tell him the address to my work building. I felt annoyed but glad it was over with that was the easiest 5k I made and all I had to do was look like some poor saps girlfriend.

I finally arrive back and for now all I wanted to do was go into my office for a bit and sit down in my chair. That was my only client for this week since I booked off some vacation time to spend it with my boyfriend.

When I walk into the front of the building there stood two gorgeous men. One was taller and has curly hair. He took my attention instantly he looks so serious and stiff. I watched as I walked by him slowly his eyes caught mine and they almost lit up when they found me. I just smirked and turned my head around going down to my office.

I was just about to leave my office when a knock was on my door. I groan and sit back down on my chair I promised Ethan I wouldn't be late for dinner tonight.

"Come in."

I see Nancy my assistant peek her head through the door "I'm sorry Ms. Porter but there are two gentlemen here to see you."

I nod and gesture her to send them in. I was almost shocked to see the curly haired man that I saw in the lobby pop in with his equally handsome friend.

They sit down in front of my desk and I look at them.

"Hello, my name is Mia Porter but you two handsome fellows can call me Angel."

The curly man's friend spoke first, he smiled at me warmly and offers to shake my hand. "My name is Liam and this is my partner Harry."

When I glance at Harry his face was still serious just starring at me as I shook Liam's hand.

"How can I help you?" I ask leaning back into my chair

"We will be needing your services affective immediately." Liam says

"What exactly are my services that needed."

Liam's eyes go wide slightly. "Nothing like that Ms. Porter. Just something very professional."

"We will need you to act as Harry's girlfriend for the next couple of months. The thing is Harry has an act of making himself look like a playboy and we need that image to go away. Nothing too much just showing up to our company events as his date, maybe going on a public date or two. Kisses can be shared for camera and holding hands etc." Liam explains

"How long is a couple months?"

"We were thinking 4-6 depending on the public situation." Liam says

"I'm sorry but that's never been done. The longest that a deal works out is maybe one or two weeks."

"Well I'll make it happen. Two million." Harry finally speaks up

"I jus-"

"You'll have to live with me of course for the time being. Not right away but maybe a month to two months following." He interrupts

My eyes go wide "I'm sorry but my boss would not be okay with such a deal."

"Actually we spoke to him before coming here and he said as long as you're okay with it it's a set deal. Of course I promised him a million for himself." Harry explains

"I'm not sur-"

"We will make a contract which will hold out guidelines rules and boundaries we can't break. If you decide to take this job I can set the meeting to meet up with my lawyer as soon as tomorrow."

"I don't think I'm a good fit. Possibly I can direct you to some of my co workers who would be more willing with such a deal?" I suggest.

Harry stands up. "Ms. Porter I did not come here to waste my time. I chose you because I found you perfect I read your set of guidelines which state you want no sexual relationship with any client and that's what I am looking for. Sometime strictly professional and to be honest there's not many women here like that. So no I will not take your referral, If you change your mind here's my card." He sets his card down on my desk. "You have until tomorrow to call me and accept my deal and I am being more than generous with this. Have a day Angel."

And with that he left along with his friend and I was sitting there speechless.

Have a nice day Angel.



This is going to be the death of me.

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