Chapter 37 - (2.4K Words)

Start from the beginning


Taehyung silently stood over you, letting the cue rest gently in his fingers. Neither of you made an effort to say anything, but there was nothing to be said. Taehyung quickly disposed of the broken cue, and you could hear the hollow clanking sound of the broken cue hitting the metal trash can just inside the bathroom door.

"Well, I'm going to go downstairs and get the pool ball that Namjoon was talking about," Taehyung awkwardly said, pulling the set of keys out of his pocket.

Wait, that's right, I need to go down to the garage too.

"Wait, I think I should go too," you said, hauling yourself to your feet and stepping between Taehyung and the door. "It might be hard for you to get around down there, because of your boot leg." You pointed to his foot.

"Nice try, but I'm not going to let you go into the garage with me," Taehyung patted your head lightly, and gently pushed you out of the way. "You already know it's off limits, and you don't need to be getting yourself into any trouble."

Crap! I'll have to sneak down there while he's not looking.

You watched as he unlocked the door, and gave you a smug smile before descending down the steps. You heard the wooden stairs creak beneath his weight as he got closer and closer to the bottom of the stairwell. You looked up at the ceiling of the lounge, and started plotting how to get down into the garage without him noticing you.

It wasn't long until you heard one of the steps creak a little bit too loudly, and the sounds of pure chaos echoing up from the bottom of the garage. You heard all of the noise stop after one final crash. Taehyung let out a pain-filled sigh, and you could hear him slowly starting to shift in the garage below you.

"(Y/N), I changed my mind," you heard Taehyung weakly call from the bottom of the long flight of stairs. "I think I want you down here with me."

Or, that works too, I guess.

You grabbed the handrail, and safely descended into the darkness after Taehyung. Once you were at the bottom of the stairs, you felt around the wall for the light switch. It wasn't long until you felt the switch resting just underneath your fingers. You flipped the switch, and light flooded into the room.

"Tae, where are you?" You asked, suddenly realizing you had no idea where he was. You stepped forward, and found that the floor beneath you was oddly soft and squishy.

"I'm down here," Tae said, plopping his hand onto your leg. You jumped at the sudden touch, and looked down. Your foot was planted almost directly in the center of his soft stomach.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" You instantly recoiled and took your foot off of him. "Are you alright?"

"I accidentally tripped and I fell," he said, scratching the back of his head and giving you a pained smile. "Do you think you could help me up?"

You nodded, and Taehyung took his hand away from your leg, and held it out just in front of you. You brought both of your hands out to meet his, and you gripped his hand tightly. He placed one hand firmly beside him on the floor, and forcefully pushed himself up off of the ground. You tried your best to keep yourself standing upright, but it was hard with Taehyung using you to steady himself.

All of a sudden, you could feel yourself falling backwards. Taehyung's hand slipped away from between yours, and you flopped back against the garage wall. Taehyung's hand planted itself just above your shoulder to keep himself from crushing you.

You both took a moment to catch your breath, neither of you truly realizing how you were standing. You looked up at Taehyung, who had unintentionally trapped you between the wall and himself. Taehyung was gazing back down at you, and you started to realize the lack of space there was between you.

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